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internet is no place for weak people you gotta be able to take hits and return em double
If you say so.
I've actually been posting on various message boards for 15 years, was a freelance art model with my portfolio online because that's how I booked all my work, and had a huge following for my blog about my travels as a model (where I posted tons of pictures and wrote about very personal things). I've never had any drama at all during those 15 years, aside from a few racists & conservatives that I ignored.
A dead little board where a few boys & young men argue with each other all the time is actually not the norm. It's sad there isn't something better for Wayne's true fans.
I've actually been posting on various message boards for 15 years, was a freelance art model with my portfolio online because that's how I booked all my work, and had a huge following for my blog about my travels as a model (where I posted tons of pictures and wrote about very personal things). I've never had any drama at all during those 15 years, aside from a few racists & conservatives that I ignored.
A dead little board where a few boys & young men argue with each other all the time is actually not the norm. It's sad there isn't something better for Wayne's true fans.
I'm talking about internet as a whole.. Of course there are forums where people act nice, but there are also forums where people act whole lot worse than here..
I like LWHQ because it is not that big of a board, and there is room for everything and everyone, I read all kind of funny stuff here, all kind of bullshit that I just laugh off, lot of smart things as well, and of course, everything that has Wayne name in it is available here instantly..
You said "Everyone is scared to post" and I say that at this time, it's now 2016, it's really stupid to get offended by something written on internet by someone who is literally the definition of irrelevant..
People who get offended on internet are weak people.
I'm talking about internet as a whole.. Of course there are forums where people act nice, but there are also forums where people act whole lot worse than here..
I like LWHQ because it is not that big of a board, and there is room for everything and everyone, I read all kind of funny stuff here, all kind of bullshit that I just laugh off, lot of smart things as well, and of course, everything that has Wayne name in it is available here instantly..
You said "Everyone is scared to post" and I say that at this time, it's now 2016, it's really stupid to get offended by something written on internet by someone who is literally the definition of irrelevant..
People who get offended on internet are weak people.
I was being facetious.
I doubt anyone is scared to post or worried about what the responses would be. It's more like.. What's the point? Posting here is a lot like arguing in YouTube comments. A waste of time. Other boards I go to have serious discussions, and I feel like I gain something from being there. I just rarely see Wayne fans there.
Oh well. I got access to the downloads & rare pictures thread, so it's back to mostly lurking here for me .
I doubt anyone is scared to post or worried about what the responses would be. It's more like.. What's the point? Posting here is a lot like arguing in YouTube comments. A waste of time. Other boards I go to have serious discussions, and I feel like I gain something from being there. I just rarely see Wayne fans there.
Oh well. I got access to the downloads & rare pictures thread, so it's back to mostly lurking here for me .