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  • #37
    Originally posted by 187JoshM187
    Ok but no need to go posting it because if it's others religion, let it be. If they wouldn't want to believe in a religion, than they wouldn't.

    i feel ya as i said he can believe what he wants im just sating facts and my opinion


    • #38
      Originally posted by danielnfl36 View Post
      tbh religion is all bull shit... all religion is full a tells on itself

      if incest is against religion/the bible that bitch had to fuck her sons and shit...another thing that nigga being on the cross and shit
      would of been dead before he even got put up and they stood the cross up.. reason being you can only stand so much pain before you die.. they put metal shit through his wrists and that would of cut veins causing him to bleed to death or...air bubbles getting in his vains and expanding.. also no1s coming back alive after being dead for 7 days the mayans aint real none of that shit is.. im tired of these dumb fucks who say stupid shit.. "god this god that.." the only gods that exist are the people who are the best at something and who you look up to such as mj being the god of basketball and wayne and pac being the gods of rap i could go on disproving religion @KidComet

      @Jewazi thats that shit i dont like...

      ---------- Post added at 05:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 PM ----------

      think what you want @KidComet about religion its whatever im not you i think different but
      that nigga faker thn some flour in a powder bag
      as for the devil hes fake too he can suck a dick infact id gladly welcome the devil if he were real to take over my soul
      Bitch gtfo.


      • #39
        Originally posted by RoadToC4Fan View Post
        Bitch gtfo.
        why you trippin over me disagreeing with religion? its my fuckin opinon bro just like your opinion is probably different..


        • #40
          That dude Daniel steady ethering religions .


          • #41
            Originally posted by jvg View Post
            That dude Daniel steady ethering religions .
            it is what it is plei boi "whatever my son dont like i dont like either" - birdman

            and i cant stand how much bullshit and lies religion is forcing on us and our youth those books are all bullshit and people from whenever the fuck those were written probably believe that stupid shit but nigga its 20 fuckin 12 idk how dumbfucks believe this shit.. "times have changed but fuck it get a new watch" - tunechi!

            nigga's aint walkin on the fuck is a nigga gonna split a ocean in half.. how the fuck this little bitch and his "followers" ( guess they had twitter way before us) gonna walk the width of the ocean? its fuckign miles long... i suppose when this shit was written this fuck boi wanted people to be on his nuts and they believe all his propaganda and bullshit and all the way in 20fuckin12 bitches still tippin on his dick.. so i suppose jesus is a rainbow man? so what about all the other religions i supposed budda and him duked it out or he went rick ross on his bitch ass and ate him @Jewazi @jvg thats that shit i dont like..
            Last edited by danielnfl36; 08-26-2012, 01:54 AM.


            • #42
              Originally posted by danielnfl36 View Post
              stunna religion is bullshit though..

              one lie leads to another lie and the other lie ends up telling on the other one..

              i was forced to go to church when i was younger with my grandfather you know how much of that shit sounds retarded..?

              Na that cause you never put 100% faith in God, if you did, you would look at everything the pastor says completly different.

              ---------- Post added at 08:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------

              Originally posted by danielnfl36 View Post
              tbh religion is all bull shit... all religion is full a tells on itself

              if incest is against religion/the bible that bitch had to fuck her sons and shit...another thing that nigga being on the cross and shit
              would of been dead before he even got put up and they stood the cross up.. reason being you can only stand so much pain before you die.. they put metal shit through his wrists and that would of cut veins causing him to bleed to death or...air bubbles getting in his vains and expanding.. also no1s coming back alive after being dead for 7 days the mayans aint real none of that shit is.. im tired of these dumb fucks who say stupid shit.. "god this god that.." the only gods that exist are the people who are the best at something and who you look up to such as mj being the god of basketball and wayne and pac being the gods of rap i could go on disproving religion @KidComet

              @Jewazi thats that shit i dont like...

              ---------- Post added at 05:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 PM ----------

              think what you want @KidComet about religion its whatever im not you i think different but
              that nigga faker thn some flour in a powder bag
              as for the devil hes fake too he can suck a dick infact id gladly welcome the devil if he were real to take over my soul

              Say that again in you conscious and believe it in your heart, and youll start seeing some shit happen.


              • #43
                Originally posted by danielnfl36 View Post
                stunna religion is bullshit though..

                one lie leads to another lie and the other lie ends up telling on the other one..

                i was forced to go to church when i was younger with my grandfather you know how much of that shit sounds retarded..?

                dont judge ppl based on there beliefs though tolerance leads to peace my friend


                • #44
                  Originally posted by KidComet View Post
                  Na that cause you never put 100% faith in God, if you did, you would look at everything the pastor says completly different.

                  ---------- Post added at 08:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------

                  Say that again in you conscious and believe it in your heart, and youll start seeing some shit happen.
         lets be real here i cant control what you believe no1 can control that im stating how i feel.. and i meant what i said the devil could have me! i submit to him if hes real.. but hes not and i have no worries

                  ---------- Post added at 10:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 PM ----------

                  Originally posted by Proof View Post
                  dont judge ppl based on there beliefs though tolerance leads to peace my friend
                  that sig..that avy!


                  • #45
                    Originally posted by danielnfl36 View Post
           lets be real here i cant control what you believe no1 can control that im stating how i feel.. and i meant what i said the devil could have me! i submit to him if hes real.. but hes not and i have no worries

                    ---------- Post added at 10:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 PM ----------

                    that sig..that avy!

                    this country is goin to shit


                    • #46
                      Originally posted by Proof View Post

                      this country is goin to shit
                      it is..

                      we got niggas on bath salts..
                      we got a corrupt goverment
                      a corrupt military
                      fuckin corrupt everything
                      america isnt even on its original
                      values anymore..
                      were supoosed to be a place for better
                      chances in life but nigga do you see everyone gettin a chance?
                      you got people throwing their lifes away for what? for nothing..
                      whats the fucking meaning of life? what are we living for? we take nothing with us
                      when we die but everyone and there brother puts items infront of real people -.-
                      thats bullshit were corrupt as we can get...shit man people our age were nothing compared to the little
                      kids we have today.. man we are fucked up maybe you want to say im fucked up but i can say the same for a lot of people
                      people are blind as fuck these days.. they dont even care about one another anymore..

                      man if the children are our future were totally fucked..


                      • #47
                        Originally posted by danielnfl36 View Post
                        it is..

                        we got niggas on bath salts..
                        we got a corrupt goverment
                        a corrupt military
                        fuckin corrupt everything
                        america isnt even on its original
                        values anymore..
                        were supoosed to be a place for better
                        chances in life but nigga do you see everyone gettin a chance?
                        you got people throwing their lifes away for what? for nothing..
                        whats the fucking meaning of life? what are we living for? we take nothing with us
                        when we die but everyone and there brother puts items infront of real people -.-
                        thats bullshit were corrupt as we can get...shit man people our age were nothing compared to the little
                        kids we have today.. man we are fucked up maybe you want to say im fucked up but i can say the same for a lot of people
                        people are blind as fuck these days.. they dont even care about one another anymore..

                        man if the children are our future were totally fucked..
                        i was referring more about a populous that is too dumb stupid and happy to stop sucking off the governments tit long enough to think for themselves at all

                        and a 1% more concerned with their next Ferrari than turning around and picking their brothers and sisters up with them


                        • #48
                          Originally posted by Proof View Post
                          i was referring more about a populous that is too dumb stupid and happy to stop sucking off the governments tit long enough to think for themselves at all

                          and a 1% more concerned with their next Ferrari than turning around and picking their brothers and sisters up with them
                          man i feel ya but its bigger thn that america isnt what it was meant to be

                          if you asked me whats wrong with america right now id say.."whats right?" we sell our own people out people believe everything you tell them almost these days.. i mean shit what happened to being your own man( woman) and thinking for yourself? call me anti american if you want ( not saying you did) but america is f.u.c.k.e.d like on the real my mother is leaving the army because soliders these days aint takin shit serious and its not the same i know times change but quoting her "im tired of all these people going behind others and looking a different direction when someone or something isnt right"

