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Man dont yall understand

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  • #97
    Originally posted by KidComet View Post
    God blessman.

    Even if you don't believe in God, your soul does,
    for what it's worth I think you are one of the more reasonable christians I know (Y)

    It's been a good discussion, which is rare when talking about religion (on the internet)


    • #98
      Originally posted by KidComet View Post
      Logic says that everything has a creator, scientist believe the same, that everything has a creator, but yet, what made the universe? Nothing came from something??

      Nah homie, God is the creator of everything man.

      According to the bible the world may not even be as old as you think it is, which would explain a lot.

      If you read Revelation, there is soooooooooooo much things happening right now, that the bible prophesies
      For example, it said there will be an uprise of men having un natrual homsexual feelings.
      And sure enough its happening, soon, just like Lesbians, how you see em in music videos, and see em on TV, like its so acceptal,
      You will see that with guys too,
      So who created god?


      • #99
        Originally posted by Tha Professor View Post
        So who created god?

        Its beyond our understanding, thats like a cat asking thereself, "How does a human think"
        We dont know bro, God was probally their and is the beigging of time,


        • Originally posted by Vocker View Post
          Cycle of life.

          People die every minute, but every 3 seconds a baby is born. That's just one way to look at it.

          Why we blame God for everything? For example, poor kids who don't have anything to eat is not gods reason for dying, we as humans who would use millions and millions for our pleasure in life and not even think of putting a couple is dollars to donate for those type of can call it a test from god that we probably all fail to pass. That's another way you can look at it.

          Those people who live miserably die young, maybe they lived a couple of years in this life, living it hard..but they die, and I'm pretty sure god send them to a better place.

          You don't even need to find a reply for my post, because I'm sure you will find some reply some how to tell me that believing in god is not logical, even though to me believing in god is the most logical thing. So just save time...
          exactly my thoughts tbh


          • This thread still going


            • Originally posted by back on my bullish*t View Post

