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Hitman Absolution

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  • #13
    Just got the game. It's really dope! For once, there's a game that makes you think strategically, and not just Rambo your way to the finish line.


    • #14
      Originally posted by YMCMB-FTW View Post
      Just got the game. It's really dope! For once, there's a game that makes you think strategically, and not just Rambo your way to the finish line.
      That's what I love about the game!

      And you fully control the player. You don't just press a button and then watch a 10 minute scene doing nothing and end up realizing the game is like a most games now a days lol..
      Originally posted by Shake
      Why so negative all the time???


      • #15
        How long is the story?


        • #16
          Originally posted by Vocker View Post
          That's what I love about the game!

          And you fully control the player. You don't just press a button and then watch a 10 minute scene doing nothing and end up realizing the game is like a most games now a days lol..
          Not to mention the diversity... So many ways to kill one dude... I replayed the King of Chinatown level a lot just to figure out all the possible ways to cap that motherfucker... Poison sushi is still the best


          • #17
            Thinking about getting this game, but I've never played any episode of the series so I'm afraid I would have sum troubles getting into the story...


            • #18
              Still wondering whether to buy this might pick it up tomorrow.

              You ain't a king, you a joker card.


              • #19
                Originally posted by Dexter. View Post
                How long is the story?
                Bump (by story I means how long is the campaign/missions)


                • #20
                  Originally posted by Hollyhood View Post
                  Thinking about getting this game, but I've never played any episode of the series so I'm afraid I would have sum troubles getting into the story...
                  Not to worry. The game makes almost no mention of previous games. All you need to know is, 47 is some dude who was experimented when he was young, and now he's a badass assassin.


                  • #21
                    You dont need to play the games before it to understand the story. I play the game on hard mode and omg this shit is difficult! , on the last level now though, really good game, has awesome replay value because tehres so much different ways to kill your target.


                    • #22
                      Game was amazing, completed it tonight! Gonna replay on hardest mode when I get some time.


                      • #23
                        It's a good game with replay value because there are multiple ways to complete a mission. I think it will be worth the purchase.


                        • #24
                          I just completed it. I did most of the missions on Hard mode but did the last one in Normal..holy shit i tried to sneak past all them Agency guards but its too i went on a riot and killed them all rambo style lmaooo there were like 50 of em! Game time was 22 hours. Good campaign time, but it was mostly hard mode and i sometimes was doing a mission for 2 hours...sooo on normal mode you can prolly get 14 or so hours. Good game bros

                          Oh and to the pirates, the cracked game has lighting problems. Police lights blind the whole screen so in the police mission ull have to press start every 2 sec to get through the level lmao... I still havnt seen a patch for it sooo yeah. better to buy it and play on ps3/360.

