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DOnt get no realer than this

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  • #25
    Originally posted by KidComet View Post

    Who messed it up tho? God or Us?


    • #26
      [MENTION=60086]KidComet[/MENTION] needs 2 do research on god tbh. Then you won't be so scared lil fella.


      • #27
        Originally posted by StevenHTX View Post
        I used to feel the same, if God is real, why is their so much evil, why is the world like this. God messed this world up, but then I'm like no, God doesn't tell us to go kill each other, God doesnt tell is to go out and do immoral stuff etc. God allows it to happen tho, he gave us free will. Aren't you happy God gave us free will? I mean you can go out and do anything your heart desires and God will still love you the same. But he will still judge you for what you do, so be careful with that one.

        The world is evil cause people reject God, they dont want God in they lives at all, so how is God suppose to help someone who 1. Doesnt Believe in a God that can help. or 2. Reject God before he can even help.

        Like people use this excuse sometimes "If theres a God why doesnt he help the kids in Africa" Well my friend met a pastor who said he went over in africa, and they didn't even wanna hear about God, they rejected God. But yet God still works thru people like charity etc to help feed some. Now is God gonna make food rain from the sky, of course not, he works in natural ways so our human minds can understand it and it can be normal for us.

        - - - Updated - - -

        Originally posted by Weezy_KB24 View Post
        @KidComet needs 2 do research on god tbh. Then you won't be so scared lil fella.
        Scared of what lol? I fear the Lord yes, but I dont fear this world at all. Nothing scares me.

        - - - Updated - - -

        Originally posted by Weezy_KB24 View Post
        You should look up "Alister Crowley Demon drawing"
        Tell me what that looks like.

        If your unfamiliar on who Alister Crowly is, you should ask your good friend Lil Wayne and Jay-z, they know all about him and his books.


        • #28
          Originally posted by KidComet View Post
          I used to feel the same, if God is real, why is their so much evil, why is the world like this. God messed this world up, but then I'm like no, God doesn't tell us to go kill each other, God doesnt tell is to go out and do immoral stuff etc. God allows it to happen tho, he gave us free will. Aren't you happy God gave us free will? I mean you can go out and do anything your heart desires and God will still love you the same. But he will still judge you for what you do, so be careful with that one.

          The world is evil cause people reject God, they dont want God in they lives at all, so how is God suppose to help someone who 1. Doesnt Believe in a God that can help. or 2. Reject God before he can even help.

          Like people use this excuse sometimes "If theres a God why doesnt he help the kids in Africa" Well my friend met a pastor who said he went over in africa, and they didn't even wanna hear about God, they rejected God. But yet God still works thru people like charity etc to help feed some. Now is God gonna make food rain from the sky, of course not, he works in natural ways so our human minds can understand it and it can be normal for us.
          I have mentioned this before, idk why i know this because i dont practice religion, but in the bible got sent 2 bears to kill like 43 or 47 kids. Isn't that evil. Some asshole killed almost 25 in Connecticut, which is horrible, so why is it any different.
          Originally posted by dametri426
          nigga jay z lips are average size
          Originally posted by Waynasite
          Have you never practiced putting a condom on and masturbating with it on so that when that time comes you won't be a fail


          • #29
            Originally posted by KidComet View Post
            I used to feel the same, if God is real, why is their so much evil, why is the world like this. God messed this world up, but then I'm like no, God doesn't tell us to go kill each other, God doesnt tell is to go out and do immoral stuff etc. God allows it to happen tho, he gave us free will. Aren't you happy God gave us free will? I mean you can go out and do anything your heart desires and God will still love you the same. But he will still judge you for what you do, so be careful with that one.

            The world is evil cause people reject God, they dont want God in they lives at all, so how is God suppose to help someone who 1. Doesnt Believe in a God that can help. or 2. Reject God before he can even help.

            Like people use this excuse sometimes "If theres a God why doesnt he help the kids in Africa" Well my friend met a pastor who said he went over in africa, and they didn't even wanna hear about God, they rejected God. But yet God still works thru people like charity etc to help feed some. Now is God gonna make food rain from the sky, of course not, he works in natural ways so our human minds can understand it and it can be normal for us.

            well if everybody believed in god, then we would all be slaves


            • #30
              Originally posted by TinyPenisProductions View Post
              I have mentioned this before, idk why i know this because i dont practice religion, but in the bible got sent 2 bears to kill like 43 or 47 kids. Isn't that evil. Some asshole killed almost 25 in Connecticut, which is horrible, so why is it any different.
              Yep your right, thats found in
              2 kings 2:23-24
              Someone messaged me not too long ago about the same thing on Facebook aswell. Wheter you agree with God's actions or not, is up to you. But they werent children they were a group of young men who mocked a prophet of God. And God's wrath, unforuantly was poured out on them. Just as nice and loving God can be, his wrath can be the same.

              - - - Updated - - -

              Originally posted by StevenHTX View Post
              well if everybody believed in god, then we would all be slaves
              Slaves to what? I am free to do whatever I want, I am no way slaved. I just CHOOSE, ME, MY CHOICE, to follow God. I am not forced, I do it because God's love and mercy was shown to me. I am not brainwashed, I am not being controlled, I simply follow God out of choice and faith. And I love God, I love going to church, and I love readin my bible. S.

              The real slaves are the people who are slaved down by their sin. It's easy to go smoke that joint of weed, but how hard is it to say no? It's easy to go out to the club and drink and get a girl drunk and take her home, but how hard is it to say no? etc etc. It's easy to follow the world, and do what they do, and listen to this music and follow in suit, thats stuff is the easiest stuff in the world. Ohi know cause I was doing it to, doesn;t take no effort, your just a slave to the world. Everybody goes and starts shopping at a store called 666, lemme go and do it also, they must have the best clothes eveeeeerrr. (im jk on that lol) everybody goes left, let me go left, oh everybody goes right, let me go right. That's the easiet way to live life, being a slave to the world. But how hard is to go against the world? And be that one little light, its damn near impossible, ill tell ya that

              Following God doesn't make you a slave at all homie, it makes life harder tho , but its all worth it t the end. You think Satan is going after people who don't believe in God? Nah, he already has them where he wants them, and as soon as the person dies, unfourantly, you know where they going. And when your dead and realize that hell exist, its farrrrr to late.

              Satan be attacking God's children, thats who he hates and who he is after.
              Last edited by KidComet; 06-23-2013, 05:44 PM.


              • #31
                Originally posted by KidComet View Post

                Slaves to what? I am free to do whatever I want, I am no way slaved. I just CHOOSE, ME, MY CHOICE, to follow God. I am not forced, I do it because God's love and mercy was shown to me. I am not brainwashed, I am not being controlled, I simply follow God out of choice and faith. And I love God, I love going to church, and I love readin my bible. S.

                The real slaves are the people who are slaved down by their sin. It's easy to go smoke that joint of weed, but how hard is it to say no? It's easy to go out to the club and drink and get a girl drunk and take her home, but how hard is it to say no? etc etc. It's easy to follow the world, and do what they do, and listen to this music and follow in suit, thats stuff is the easiest stuff in the world. Ohi know cause I was doing it to, doesn;t take no effort, your just a slave to the world. Everybody goes and starts shopping at a store called 666, lemme go and do it also, they must have the best clothes eveeeeerrr. (im jk on that lol) everybody goes left, let me go left, oh everybody goes right, let me go right. That's the easiet way to live life, being a slave to the world. But how hard is to go against the world? And be that one little light, its damn near impossible, ill tell ya that

                Following God doesn't make you a slave at all homie, it makes life harder tho , but its all worth it t the end. You think Satan is going after people who don't believe in God? Nah, he already has them where he wants them, and as soon as the person dies, unfourantly, you know where they going. And when your dead and realize that hell exist, its farrrrr to late.

                Satan be attacking God's children, thats who he hates and who he is after.
                okay first, how is smoking weed a sin, secondly, worshipping somebody just to bypass the fear of not going to hell not being a slave? that's basically god saying "obey me or else you will burn for eternity"


                • #32
                  Originally posted by StevenHTX View Post
                  okay first, how is smoking weed a sin, secondly, worshipping somebody just to bypass the fear of not going to hell not being a slave? that's basically god saying "obey me or else you will burn for eternity"
                  Oh ok smoking weed isnt a sin, my bad on that one, cause of Course God wants all his children and pastors to go to church high as hell and smoke weed with each other. God must be up there toking on some good kush right now right? come on bruh lol

                  Anyway, No, no where has God said "Obey me or else you will burn forever"
                  It's Obey him if you want, its your choice, and along with obeying him, you get the gift of eternal life.

                  Heres a verse

                  "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

                  The wages of sin is death, we sin, we die, were dead already, its done over, sin = death.
                  But thru Jesus christ, we may have eternal life.

                  Everybody is already dead bruh, we were born in sin, when babies are born, no one teaches them to be selfish, no one teaches them to lie, you ask a 4 year old, "who did it?!" they be like "not me". (Babies don't know wrong from right tho, so God doesnt judge them for their sins, if one happens to pass away, he/she will go to heaven)
                  But we are all sinners, everybody on earth sins, and because of that, were all dead, were all going to hell when we die, that the way the world is, you dont like it? too bad, your living in it. BUT thru Accepting Jesus christ, you will not perish. You will not die. Its not about being a slave, or nothing. Im not worshippign God because Im afraid of hell, im worshipping God because I choose to, and with that, just happens to come the gift of salvation. I didnt make it like that, God did.

                  Heaven is NOT a place for people who are afraid of hell, its a place for people who love God, ya feel me?


                  • #33
                    Originally posted by KidComet View Post
                    Oh ok smoking weed isnt a sin, my bad on that one, cause of Course God wants all his children and pastors to go to church high as hell and smoke weed with each other. God must be up there toking on some good kush right now right? come on bruh lol

                    Anyway, No, no where has God said "Obey me or else you will burn forever"
                    It's Obey him if you want, its your choice, and along with obeying him, you get the gift of eternal life.

                    Heres a verse

                    "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

                    The wages of sin is death, we sin, we die, were dead already, its done over, sin = death.
                    But thru Jesus christ, we may have eternal life.

                    Everybody is already dead bruh, we were born in sin, when babies are born, no one teaches them to be selfish, no one teaches them to lie, you ask a 4 year old, "who did it?!" they be like "not me". (Babies don't know wrong from right tho, so God doesnt judge them for their sins, if one happens to pass away, he/she will go to heaven)
                    But we are all sinners, everybody on earth sins, and because of that, were all dead, were all going to hell when we die, that the way the world is, you dont like it? too bad, your living in it. BUT thru Accepting Jesus christ, you will not perish. You will not die. Its not about being a slave, or nothing. Im not worshippign God because Im afraid of hell, im worshipping God because I choose to, and with that, just happens to come the gift of salvation. I didnt make it like that, God did.

                    Heaven is NOT a place for people who are afraid of hell, its a place for people who love God, ya feel me?


                    • #34
                      Originally posted by StevenHTX View Post
                      i guess ima go play ball with my homies man, atleast i tried. i hope you were blessed somewhat, even if not now, maybe down the road in life something might happen that will open your eyes to realize God is real, and you'll look back at this


                      • #35
                        Originally posted by kidcomet View Post
                        i guess Ima go play ball with my homies man, atleast i tried. I hope you were blessed somewhat, even if not now, maybe down the road in life something might happen that will open your eyes to realize god is real, and you'll look back at this

                        i am god


                        • #36
                          Lol to what happened to this thread. Everybody thinks what they believe in is the truth and the facts

                          Believe in whatever you want to believe in. Either you believe their is a God that created this universe and there is an answer for everything that is happening, or your an atheist that thinks that the universe happened for a Big Bang and that humans are part of an evolution that went from becteria to monkeys to whatever.

                          What you should do tho, is keep it to yourself. If you think you are right then no one gives a fuck, it's not like anyone will change their opinion in the Internet coz someone told you so.

                          Illuminati, UFOs, demons, angels...that's all shit that none of us know if they exist or not. Why? Because we are all in a forums that is about a music aritst that talks about pussy a lot of the time, and because we enjoy music.

                          I don't give a fuck what you believe in. You can keep it to yourself, unless you are insecure and you feel like everybody have to think like you to make sure that its right.
                          Originally posted by Shake
                          Why so negative all the time???

