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DOnt get no realer than this

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  • #61
    Originally posted by MarkoMaxX View Post
    Very nice.

    That tiny particle can also be named God.
    You can name it however you want.
    But that tiny particle did not explode. Big Bang doesn't mean explosion. It emerged and grew overtime and is still growing each and every second. We are still in the Big Bang procces. Don't underestimate the power of energy.

    It's obvious that we have different views.
    I respect yours and you showed that you are familiar with your subject and you know what you are talking about.
    Just like I do.

    It's not a fight. It's just an healthy argument.

    Thats not what I meant, but iight lol
    I guess we aint changing each others minds but that wasnt really my goal, I knew I wasn't going to change anybody with all of this, im just spreading truth, so you guys can't say you didn't know, or nobody told you, so their cant be an excuse now


    • #62
      Originally posted by KidComet View Post
      No wonder you guys don't believe lol, you probably been misinformed. Lol, here I'll take the time to try to fix that. This whole "religion" thing got you guys confused.

      I agree Religion IS the worst. Religion wasnt created by God tho man. Religion was created by man.
      The way to be right with God in every religion is by earning your way. It is based on works, not grace. Christianity is different from every religion in this aspect: all other religions (including Mormonism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism) state that you must earn the right to be reconciled with God.

      Religion is man trying to reach up to God. The message of Christianity is God reaching down to man. Religion is about what man has to DO to be right with God. Christianity is about what God has already DONE to provide us the opportunity to be right with Him.
      Religion says you must EARN your salvation by doing good deeds or certain acts and not doing evil. (Thats where the "Slavery" part comes in"
      Christianity says all we need to do is BELIEVE that Christ has already paid the price for the evil we have done. Christianity says we are all evil (filled with sin) and there is nothing we can do to earn the right to be saved. Christianity says that God (in the form of Jesus Christ) stepped into our place and paid the awful price that had to be paid for us. He gave us the freegift of salvation if we choose to believe in Jesus.

      This is the difference between religion and TRUE Christianity. There is no checklist or list of rules that you must follow. It is ALL about your relationships, vertical and horizontal. There is no rhetoric or rituals that have to be practiced. Believe that Jesus Christ came to earth and died for your sins, accept his FREE GIFT, let God help you to love Him and love others. That�s it! It is so simple it sounds stupid, and it would be if there was no real POWER here.

      Religion says "If I obey God will love me" "If you stop drinking, sleeping aroudnd blah blah blah then God will love you" "Then you'll go to heaven" NOOOOOWHEREEEEE EVERRR HAS GOD SAIDD THAT AT ALLL

      THAT is religion man. Chrisitanity, is so simple man i dnt even know why they call it a "religion" nowadays but, NONE of us are good enough for God, and never will be at all.

      God loves us bro regardless of how much we sin, regardless of what we do, nothing can make him love us more or less.

      Imagine a dad go to his daugheter right, and giving a list and saying, only if you follow this list, I will love you. Nahhhh lol thats not how God works at all bruh, its simple, God loves us already , he gave a list of commandments,

      And If you read the 10 Commandments you will notice that they are all about relationships. They are either about improving our relationship with God or with other people. So the law can be summed up in love; love for God and love for others. It was never intended to be a list of rules that can be relegated to a checklist or mathematical formula. We are talking about love

      Ya feel me ? I would replied sooner but I was kinda busy lol

      I dont want to be proven right, And I dont look at anyone as "ignorant" at all. Im just trying to spread love and God, thats all im doing. I dont have to be proven right, i dont have proof for them to see that God is real, I dont have it. I'm living proof right here that God is real, yall saw the way I was before bruh, posting porn and all that, but look at me now, God changed my heart, that what he does when u accept him, it doesnt happen overnight tho, its a daily struggle.

      Can you show me some evidence of the bible stealing from other "gods".? I just wanna see where your coming from. Im not aruging or nothing.

      Yes bro, they are fallen angels disguised as demons, they are indeed trying to devieve the world into thinking they are aliens.

      Well illuminati basically manipulate the world broski. If they are here to protect us, why be so secrective? If they aren't here to harm us, why hide? I don't know many organizations that are doing good and positive things for the world who try to hide themselves away from the world, as if they are some modern day robin hood, steal from rich give to the poor type thing lol.

      But horrible stuff they do to the world? Well, they manipulate it bruh, all to bring out their one world government system and religion, and all to get us to worship the antichrist, thats their MAIN agenda. All these small acts are just steps leading to the bigger ordeal.
      They attack us thru entrainment, thru symbols. Theres a quote that says

      "Signs And symbols rule the world, not rules and laws"
      To a child, signs and symbols emerge in the consciousness prior to an understanding of governing rules. Children see the world in deeply symbolic terms. We teach children through signs and symbols, red means hot, blue means cold, an arrow means to go this way or that, etc.

      All those illuminti symbols may not seem like nothing, most people don't see them as anything, and as someone speaks up about it, "oh lil wayne has an all seeing eye on his shirt " they become some crazy conspiracist theorist.
      But yes, they get into our conscious minds, we become use to seeing them, and before we know it, we're wearing them also. My friend said he wen't to newyork, and he walked by soooo many teenage Kids rocking satanic symbols, even seen a lot of buisness using satanic symbols as their business logo. Again, you may not see em as a big deal, its just a shirt. But it's only gonna get worst, and worst and worst, until people just start rocking full pledge demonic 666 and "hail satan" and then it will still be "just a shirt" etc.

      But to answer you question, what has the illuminati did to the world? Basically Manipulate it. Keep in mind the illuminati etc, they be using satanic powers and what not, conjuring demons all that kinda of stuff. Believe it if you want, doesnt really matter. Illuminati has just became a joke now, the word anyways. I wouldnt expect you to believe me.

      See, I don't know where you get that from. Jesus is not a god? Jesus IS God bro lol. Its called the trintity, God, Jesus and the holy spirit.
      God in 3 forms.

      Where are the strong proofs? Where are the strong proofs that this world came from NOTHING.

      How can SOMETHIGN come from NOTHIGN. is it nor easier to believe that SOMETHIGN made SOMETHING else?

      so one day, a big boom happen and where all here? cme on bruh.

      You could go on and on about your wonders of the universe, no one knows.

      The world may never know......

