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  • #49
    Originally posted by WeezySVK View Post
    I dont see thousands of immigrants fleeing to america or australia daily like right now to Europe, and yeah well developed nations like France and Britain also have responsibility but not small countries like Austria, Slovakia, Czech rep. etc.. and they also must give asylum to thousands of immigrants and build camps for them even if they dont want because the European union said..

    'i dont see thousands of immigrants fleeing to america or australia daily" seriously dude?
    Thousands of immigrants flee to america and Australia just a lot of them die or get 'turned back' which results in them dieing or they get chucked in a concentration camp to be handcuffed and treated like criminals simply for seeking refuge



    • #50
      Originally posted by Lucifer View Post
      @Mbminas can you break down your username?

      - - - Updated - - -

      Actually all of these posts made me think about N.W.O, there will be no countries and just one leader. This might be a way to start it. @KidComet what u think?


      • #51
        Originally posted by WeezySVK View Post
        I dont see thousands of immigrants fleeing to america or australia daily like right now to Europe, and yeah well developed nations like France and Britain also have responsibility but not small countries like Austria, Slovakia, Czech rep. etc.. and they also must give asylum to thousands of immigrants and build camps for them even if they dont want because the European union said so...

        Lets hope that wont happen because then it will be too late...

        But prolly even then he EU still would do nothing ...
        I hope it happens bro, just not near my house or city, lol..cuz only then they will realize a mistake, that's how human mind works..

        Originally posted by Lil_zimmie View Post
        'i dont see thousands of immigrants fleeing to america or australia daily" seriously dude?
        Thousands of immigrants flee to america and Australia just a lot of them die or get 'turned back' which results in them dieing or they get chucked in a concentration camp to be handcuffed and treated like criminals simply for seeking refuge
        You do realize that most of those people aren't really seeking refugee? You can't know for certainty that they don't have home, etc..
        Lot of them are using this situation, just to go to first world countries..

        And america the most "freedom" country is denying, which is against the law, refugees, same like Ausie, and they are all requesting from small countries struggling to improve their economy, to build camps for thousands and thousands of immigrants..


        • #52
          i just hope that isis people are not in these groups of refugees...
          Btw we should have in mind that people like the Syrians really suffered. There are others though who seized the opportunity to come to Europe.


          • #53
            Originally posted by MarkoMaxX View Post
            I hope it happens bro, just not near my house or city, lol..cuz only then they will realize a mistake, that's how human mind works..

            You do realize that most of those people aren't really seeking refugee? You can't know for certainty that they don't have home, etc..
            Lot of them are using this situation, just to go to first world countries..

            And america the most "freedom" country is denying, which is against the law, refugees, same like Ausie, and they are all requesting from small countries struggling to improve their economy, to build camps for thousands and thousands of immigrants..
            the US has taken in quite a few refugees I guess, just not near the numbers Europe is dealing with. Also here a lot of people are already mad about the immigrant situation because we all ready have several million illegal immigrants from Mexico and South America. And the government still hasn't figured out what they're doing with that. There's a lot of hate rising here to since 9/11. The more refugees they bring in the more the hate and tension escalates. It's a bad situation all around.

            i feel horrible for the true refugees that had to leave everything behind and run, but in any country you have to have a balance between the number of people paying taxes and the number receiving aid or the whole ship sinks. Like I said bad situation for everyone.

            Correction: US took in about 70,000 refugees last year but only 1000 from Syria. At least one article I read blamed that on that they check to make sure they're all really refugees. But I still think it has more to do with 9/11 than background checks.
            Last edited by Liz; 08-24-2015, 12:40 PM.


            • #54
              Originally posted by Lil_zimmie View Post
              'i dont see thousands of immigrants fleeing to america or australia daily" seriously dude?
              Thousands of immigrants flee to america and Australia just a lot of them die or get 'turned back' which results in them dieing or they get chucked in a concentration camp to be handcuffed and treated like criminals simply for seeking refuge
              I did some research and found that since 2001 1400 asylum seekers have drowned between Indonesia and Australia...

              Idk how many made it to Australia but most probably got turned back as you said...

              Right now there are thousands coming DAILY to Europe, nobody gets turned back and only a small amount of them wont make it..

              99% of them wont even try to get to Australia or US because they know they cant make it there cause its way too far..

              But yeah, people are immigrating to Australia or even the US because of high standard living but most of them arent refugees from Africa so you cant compare it with whats going on right now in Europe..


              • #55
                You might call me crazy or ignore this post but idc...So what happened is that i met greek politician and i asked him about whats going on...and he replied me all of this is planned from a big family which rule the world and i replied "the rothchild?" and he said how do u know about them and much more. But the most interesting part is that he warmed me that this September/October one big event will happen that will affect the whole world.
                Thats it so keep ur eyes open. [MENTION=60086]KidComet[/MENTION] read this


                • #56
                  Originally posted by Mbminas View Post
                  You might call me crazy or ignore this post but idc...So what happened is that i met greek politician and i asked him about whats going on...and he replied me all of this is planned from a big family which rule the world and i replied "the rothchild?" and he said how do u know about them and much more. But the most interesting part is that he warmed me that this September/October one big event will happen that will affect the whole world.
                  Thats it so keep ur eyes open. @KidComet read this
                  no way. for real? no BS?

                  Man theres a slot of speculation about sept 2015 man


                  • #57
                    Originally posted by KidComet View Post
                    no way. for real? no BS?

                    Man theres a slot of speculation about sept 2015 man
                    for real


                    • #58
                      Well, pope francis said he will be last pope. He visits usa this september and gonna talk at UN. A lot of people speculating what shit he gonna tell us. Maybe that we are not alone in this universe and we need ONE WORLD GOVERMENT ? kappa. Or maybe they will announce that disaster coming like asteroids gonna hit earth and we need to pray etc, but it will be blue beam project, they just gonna detonate some big explosions in the atlantic ocean and usa east coast gonna be fked up by HUGE tsunami. We just need to wait, but im pretty sure something gonna happen and it will affect jews world too.
                      Last edited by Mind`; 08-25-2015, 10:38 AM.


                      • #59
                        Originally posted by Mind` View Post
                        Well, pope francis said he will be last pope. He visits usa this september and gonna talk at UN. A lot of people speculating what shit he gonna tell us. Maybe that we are not alone in this universe and we need ONE WORLD GOVERMENT ? kappa. Or maybe they will announce that disaster coming like asteroids gonna hit earth and we need to pray etc, but it will be blue beam project, they just gonna detonate some big explosions in the atlantic ocean and usa east coast gonna be fked up by HUGE tsunami. We just need to wait, but im pretty sure something gonna happen and it will affect jews world too.
                        a lot of things will happen this september mate...


                        • #60
                          Originally posted by Mbminas View Post
                          a lot of things will happen this september mate...
                          + fucking CERN, who knows, maybe they will open portal for something :c

