This thread was the idea of Skim and it seems like a good idea, although it could end up being bad. I hope it's gonna become a useful thread but in order to do that some rules are going to have to be made.
You may state your opinions and beliefs but only in a manner that is non-offensive to others
Even if you do not believe in any Religion you may still post and say that and why
Anything offensive that is said to someone about their Religion WILL have to result in a warning
If this thread becomes spam or a lot of arguments then it WILL be locked
You may state your opinions and beliefs but only in a manner that is non-offensive to others
Even if you do not believe in any Religion you may still post and say that and why
Anything offensive that is said to someone about their Religion WILL have to result in a warning
If this thread becomes spam or a lot of arguments then it WILL be locked