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Official Religion Thread

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  • #73
    Re: Official Religion Thread

    Originally posted by DJBMURDER
    Not trying to offend anyone, but a brief history of my religion...i was born and raised catholic, went to a catholic grade school, church everyday, whole nine yards. I FUCKING HATED/HATE IT. I believe soley because I was forced at such a young age to learn their beliefs that it turned me off hardcore. I wasn't given an option of what to believe and it pissed me off...A book that has soooo many stories from soooo many people 2000+ years ago would not be a credible source if I was a english teacher checking a bibliography on a term paper. LOL. It seems too unreal...Ya'll remember that game when we were little were everyone sat in a circle and it was called "phone game" or something, where someone would whisper a phrase/word in someones ear and it had to get passed along all those people in the circle until the last person. Well the goal of the game was to have it be the exact word/phrase that the original person said. It NEVER was. That's how I feel with the bible. Jesus very well might have been a real person and a very popular person but did he turn water into wine? Nah...Did he walk on water? Nah.....did he die for our sins hanging on a cross and get buried in a tomb with a huge boulder and miraculously reappear 3 days later? Did he live a lavvish and well documented life due to being a prolific character during his time? Probably. Was he a savior? Nah....Now ask me if God exsists and I'll say yes all day, I believe he exsists but all these stories or ways to live my life by wrote soooo long ago in a book thats been revised and revised and revised? Nah....I'll live based upon how I want to be treated. That's my rant, sorry if it offended ANYONE.

    But Im not sure If I believe in god anymore.

    Im not religiouse at all.


    • #74
      Re: Official Religion Thread

      We all ask ourselves that question at one point in life. It takes time to figure shit out and be at peace. There's no real answer


      • #75
        Re: Official Religion Thread

        I'm not super religious even though I'm christian, but I have to make a comment about djb's post. You may not think humans are capable of stuff like that, but the human is capable of things way beyond what you're giving them. You don't use much of your (under 10% easily on the average person), and I doubt a lot are honestly in touch with their soul and the like.

        If people were able to unlock more of their mind they could easily defy a lot of the stuff you say that is not true. If people can remote view then I'm pretty sure actual levitation and the such are possible.

        For those who don't know what remote viewing is,
        I like the color contrasts


        • #76
          Re: Official Religion Thread

          I completely respect your opinion, to each his own. It's just a shame that Catholisim was pushed on my at such a young age whereas it completely turned me off to any type of religion.

