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I have a feeling c4 is going to meet and/or exceed many peoples expectations. We can't really say if he has lost his touch or not until the album drops
Wayne just doesn't go as hard as he can anymore, he probably does this on tracks he doesn't really care about. Like he said in the green & yellow interview "i could have gone way harder." And I don't think he cares that much anymore tbh. "I WANT Nicki and Drake to do wayyy better than me." I wish he put more effort into these recent songs though
Buuuuut obviously he put alot of work in TCIV and i'm betting he went in as hard as he could to show people he still got it.
45 days
I pray day and night that you are right.
"My impact so hard, if I died I'd probably bounce right back"
Nah y'all just anxious. Have some patience and maturity. C4 will turn out great...don't say I told u so.
Also, Id a fool to judge him off some disposable pop features he's just doing just because. I know what I expect to hear from wayne and he usually delivers on the type of songs i like from him. Its always been like that.
What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.
Nah y'all just anxious. Have some patience and maturity. C4 will turn out great...don't say I told u so.
Also, Id a fool to judge him off some disposable pop features he's just doing just because. I know what I expect to hear from wayne and he usually delivers on the type of songs i like from him. Its always been like that.
Nah y'all just anxious. Have some patience and maturity. C4 will turn out great...don't say I told u so.
Also, Id a fool to judge him off some disposable pop features he's just doing just because. I know what I expect to hear from wayne and he usually delivers on the type of songs i like from him. Its always been like that.
Anxious or are we all mature fans who can critique Wayne's work without having a biased view. It has already turned great for you, you think the singles and features are amazing.
Yea he has done pop features before, but they weren't as good as the shit he has put out in 07-08.
In the end you're a stan and we are all fans of Wayne.
Anxious or are we all mature fans who can critique Wayne's work without having a biased view. It has already turned great for you, you think the singles and features are amazing.
Yea he has done pop features before, but they weren't as good as the shit he has put out in 07-08.
In the end you're a stan and we are all fans of Wayne.
It's just opinions man , we're all fans and lol @ that stan thing. Just because someone likes wayne's new material more than you do doesnt mean he be driving a car down a bridge.
It's just opinions man , we're all fans and lol @ that stan thing. Just because someone likes wayne's new material more than you do doesnt mean he be driving a car down a bridge.
Lol read some of his dick riding post and you'll see what I'm talking about