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Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

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  • #25
    Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

    I'm reserving judgement until June 21. Assuming C4 isn't pushed back again.

    "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


    • #26
      Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

      Originally posted by Young Soo Woopa View Post
      the 2008 C4, The 2009 C4 or The Right before jail C4?
      They never specified


      • #27
        Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

        Originally posted by gaurang View Post
        They never specified
        oh, lol i remembered C4 was post to be with Rebirth, Shit woulda been horrible. #ILoveBirdman Lol
        The Greatest Basketball Player In The Game Today
        LeBron James


        • #28
          Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

          Originally posted by marcusgettin View Post
          It's pretty obvious he changed but I wouldn't complain until we hear C4... This is coming from a Fan not a dick riding faggot.


          • #29
            Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

            Originally posted by mollyd812 View Post
            I have a feeling c4 is going to meet and/or exceed many peoples expectations. We can't really say if he has lost his touch or not until the album drops

            Wayne just doesn't go as hard as he can anymore, he probably does this on tracks he doesn't really care about. Like he said in the green & yellow interview "i could have gone way harder." And I don't think he cares that much anymore tbh. "I WANT Nicki and Drake to do wayyy better than me." I wish he put more effort into these recent songs though

            Buuuuut obviously he put alot of work in TCIV and i'm betting he went in as hard as he could to show people he still got it.

            45 days
            I pray day and night that you are right.
            "My impact so hard, if I died I'd probably bounce right back"


            • #30
              Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

              I'm sure Molly hangs with the man every day, or is a major rider during his tour lol.

              Either way, she better be right.


              • #31
                Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

                to me he has.... but i got high hopes for C4

                i believe the material he's putting out is to only keep his name relevant


                • #32
                  Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

                  Nah y'all just anxious. Have some patience and maturity. C4 will turn out great...don't say I told u so.

                  Also, Id a fool to judge him off some disposable pop features he's just doing just because. I know what I expect to hear from wayne and he usually delivers on the type of songs i like from him. Its always been like that.

                  What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.


                  • #33
                    Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

                    Originally posted by ChrisBLawyer View Post
                    Nah y'all just anxious. Have some patience and maturity. C4 will turn out great...don't say I told u so.

                    Also, Id a fool to judge him off some disposable pop features he's just doing just because. I know what I expect to hear from wayne and he usually delivers on the type of songs i like from him. Its always been like that.
                    i havent agreed with someone more than this.


                    • #34
                      Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

                      Originally posted by ChrisBLawyer View Post
                      Nah y'all just anxious. Have some patience and maturity. C4 will turn out great...don't say I told u so.

                      Also, Id a fool to judge him off some disposable pop features he's just doing just because. I know what I expect to hear from wayne and he usually delivers on the type of songs i like from him. Its always been like that.
                      Anxious or are we all mature fans who can critique Wayne's work without having a biased view. It has already turned great for you, you think the singles and features are amazing.

                      Yea he has done pop features before, but they weren't as good as the shit he has put out in 07-08.

                      In the end you're a stan and we are all fans of Wayne.


                      • #35
                        Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

                        Originally posted by gaurang View Post
                        Anxious or are we all mature fans who can critique Wayne's work without having a biased view. It has already turned great for you, you think the singles and features are amazing.

                        Yea he has done pop features before, but they weren't as good as the shit he has put out in 07-08.

                        In the end you're a stan and we are all fans of Wayne.
                        It's just opinions man , we're all fans and lol @ that stan thing. Just because someone likes wayne's new material more than you do doesnt mean he be driving a car down a bridge.


                        • #36
                          Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

                          Originally posted by EcstaticPickles View Post
                          It's just opinions man , we're all fans and lol @ that stan thing. Just because someone likes wayne's new material more than you do doesnt mean he be driving a car down a bridge.
                          Lol read some of his dick riding post and you'll see what I'm talking about

