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That just makes Wayne more down to Earth, Wayne has way more money than A$AP and doesn't have to spend it on $1,000 skirts.
Well no duh lol, rocky has been in the industry for about a year now, and has only one album.
Wayne has since he was what 13, 14?
Everybody has different taste in fashion lol. Wayne is just not into high end shit, and Rocky is. That doesn't make Rocky less of a person.... And too add to the fact that Rocky lived in New York, and New York is a city filled with Fashion.
Wayne is from the south, and fashion aint to big around here.
I'm not saying Rocky is better than Wayne in any way, all I'm sayin is Rocky and Wayne have different Fashion taste and different values. What else would you spend money on?
Listened to his album couple of times now. I love it, slow beats are perfect.
Phoenix, PWM, LVL, Wild for the night are siiiiiick..
Looking forward to new things from him.
About his fashion style, I really don't give a fuck as long as he makes nice music.
EDIT: Why the fuck would anyone give me -reputation for this post?