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Originally posted by ThaMothafuckinCarterView Post
im makin sure im good enough before i actually start posting stuff. shit is way more complicated than you would good for a verse or two every now and then though im on my andre 3000 status
Alright when you start getting comfortable around it hmu with some exclusive beats for ya boyyy
The borders should be illegal instead of the people, who were here before the bible and all of its sequels
Your flow was off and on. You should learn to listen for that when you write because then it saves you the trouble of fixing it while recording. It sounds like your still trying to find "your" style of rapping but once you find it your music will improve. Lyrics were okay, nothing that stood out but not bad. Mastering could use some work also. Just keep trying bro
Dude you killed it. Flow was good but towards the end it off a little bit but you corrected it, lyrics were good i liked the first few bars the most for some reason and the mastering was actually good. Good job man