Lil Wayne voted me in thats why i made it on this crazy ass level cruising pillars of rap i see much paranormal THE "projectillogic" Mega Thread at lil wayne hq
no way its lil waynes 37th birthday today i just found at when i went to this site to post this post ive been working on for awhile. that synchronicity of powerfull in that
i had no idea it was his birthday today
happy birthday

This is real and not a troll
I got points
Read full post for full explanation
this is project trillogic from the wutang clan message forum i received over 75 thousand views there so yall should know that this will be worth the reading especially if you have just discovered me. Alot of people have encouraged me to write over all these years and im looking for fresh followers
Plus i am a very special rapper
Not the bad kind of special either lol
Here i am known as projectillogic. the wutang clan changed my name to project klozeril which is an antisphycotic and i didnt say anything then they eventually changed my name to project trillogic but i dont know why.
I went viral on there but ive moved on. i went independent on wordpress
And im willing to do a little writing here
I have a bunch of paranormal shit to talk about later
Ten years ago I was being aired on b96 the number one hip hop radio station in all of minnesota at the time and i was on 3-6 times a day for 2 full years straight because i took advantage of the writers strike that was 10 years ago
Something happened
It kinda went crazy
Say my name
Its jerome allen hickman
I count numbers like a freemason and i know their code and this is what my life has become
Im the most rapped about rapper of all time
A gifted schizophrenic
I actually think this shit
The code
I might be schizophrenic but im in the top 10 of the nation on academic tests and i really believe what i am saying .ive convinced a hand full of people but they have nothing to say because they dont know what to make of it either
To me it means go go go go go
And for the last 10 years thats what i did go go go go
Thats what i believe lol
No troll
My name is jerome allen hickman and my initals are jah and jah is the rastifarian god
Listen to the song lollipop by lil wayne its the one that went number one in the world shit thats gotta be 10 years ago by now
He says the name jerome in it like 5 times in it and on the unedited studio version of the single lollipop he whispers “j hickman” in the beginning thats me
Jerome allen hickman
He says j.hickman at 39 seconds on the unedited studio version
And its about me walking up to him at his 2008 concert in minneapolis minnesota
Make that ass jump like jer jer
Thats about me performing the elbow dance at that concert after we spent 6 hours pushing our way to the front
I swear to god
Altough i hadn’t heard of’ him before the concert he had apparently heard of me cuz there was aleady a song about me “make it rain” but i didn’t know about it
It all was fate………………….
we took 6 hours to walk up to him at the concert and he made a song about it
I was lured in by the occult but lil wayne was lured in by the elbow dance lol
Heres my newest blog
But this is a special one here just for lil wayne hq
I will do some typing i have a crazy ass story to tell
I scored in the top 10% of the nation on academic tests but im schizophrenic but schizophrenia has nothing to do with intelligence
The writers strike was 10 years ago
I go by jerry and projectillogic on 104.7 kcld now ive been calling into them for like 10 years im even good friends with some of them i was the only thing keeping b96 alive i was a call in listner and they lost me to my first major shit ton of bricks twisted schizophrenia manifistation that i experienced
I didn’t know what the fuck was going on!
So i switched from b96 to kcld
I could be on kcld as much as i wanted to but i just dont do it much anymore
Im always too busy
I was on there this morning
I started calling into b96 thats the radio station before kcld but 2 years into it ii started hearing voices and schizophrenia hit me like a shit ton of bricks and i didn’t know what the fuck was going on
My doctor says schizophrenia is the best mental disease to have and that although it hits you like a shit ton of bricks people with it tend to move on and its the best mental illness for statistical success
I got fired from the show and without me the show was cancled or i dont know why it was cancled but it happened after they stopped talking to me because i developed full blown schizophrenia and didn’t know what the fuck was going on
Hearing voices and hearing alternate versions of what people were saying but im fine on my meds but without them i loose the ability to distinguish reality as far as what i hear but im really really smart
I have to go along time off my meds for that shit to happen
I can tell the difference
I can tell the difference
In cases like this
All my friends here the same things i hear on songs i no longer here alternate versions of audio anymore
Now 10 years later i have prepared im no longer a beginner anymore i am a master
I have written many books and right now have created 39 songs
They all convinced me that i was good enough and to do it
But now im in way too deep
I went viral on the david icke and wutang clan message forum but i have my own blog
Im projectillogic my initials are pi the number pi is imbedded in everything just like me
This is a crazy story
Its going to be a challenge to write this perfectly but
Let me explain what has happened between me and Lil Wayne during the writers strike
when my career was first starting something happened that caused a chain reaction that allowed me to reach these high levels of height when it comes to achievement but im still being distributed as i float around as a sleeping giant with 39 songs that are ready to go they are ready for mass distribution and more on the way all highly rated by the people that have listned to them []D[][]v[][][]D
Basically what happened was that i called into the radio 10 years ago during the writers strike and they asked me to be a regular part of the show
Soon after that i was randomly asked if i wanted lil wayne tickets and although at this point i had never heard of him i still went
So then I go there and theres like 15 thousand fans and it takes us 6 hours to push ourselves to the front
Im screaming and shouting during the entire concert and lil wayne sees me
The paranormal part is that he had somehow heard one of my songs before all of this back at a time before i had ever even heard the name weezy or lil wayne
Its fate its destiny its paranormal
The song is “make it rain” by fat joe and lil wayne the one that came out in 2007
It just so happens to be the almost identical same beat as my first hit song i came out with in 2006 commander crunk
The most famous part of my song commander crunk is the part i say “come on nigga smoke some fucking crack crack crack crack crack crack”
And they say crack crack crack crack in their song
Fat joe says “i seen that best dope cuz he dont have that medal”
Well right before then i came home from the navy early without earning all the award medals and shit
Whats that an anquor on lil waynes forhead?
Lollipop went number one in the world
At the end of the song fat joe says “a nigga loose his life ja-rome i mean”
Im jerome allen hickman
And commander crunk was a song about suicide
Lil wayne heard my song and saved my life but he made me lick it like a lollipop
That sounds crazy right yeah at the time when this shit happened 10 years ago nobody on facebook believed me so i kept it a secret for 10 years now everyone i tell believes me including my friend jj from the 104.7 kcld moring show
On the album version of lollipop besides saying jerome 5 times he whispers in the beginning “j. Hickman”
and my names jerome allen hickman my initials are jah which are the same as the rastifarian god
He only whispers “j. Hickman” in the beginning of the lollipop unedited studio version and not in the other versions. Heres a link to that
He whispers j. Hickman at 39 seconds
so ok the catalyst for this thread is what happened which was that some high ranking member of Lil Wayne hq told me that I should make this mega thread here I think he seemed to believe me about what I had said about my connection with Lil Wayne and the dude told me that if I were to write this thread coherently enough that it might actually go viral and gain a lot of views
Ive been working on this post for awhile now
I've done it all before and have a lot of great material plus Lil Wayne voted for me on his most highly rated song ever
We went number one in the world together
I tasted number one in the world thats what kept me going all these years
nobody starting believing me till almost a decade later I had the nerve to release it wrong when this first became truth
The mod or like a mod member that told me to start writing this shit wrote it in my recent Lil Wayne apology thread that I had to made it because I said something schizophrenic in a thread like one time but I was pissed my music hasn't gone as viral as my writing
My writing has gotten hundreds of thousands of views and i was mad my music didn’t
I'm a top rate human being when it comes to intelligence levels it's just that I have schizophrenic tendencies but schizophrenia has nothing to do with intelligence I'm. As smart as they come yI'm a veteran of the military sub force and shit my job was to work on submarines but I only went through training 8 and a half months of the navy my names Jerome. Lollipop was on the carter 3 album and on the outro of that album lil wayne says “for 8 and a half months i gave and received the pain now its young money baby keep the change”
"make it rain" man I seen that best dope cuz he don't have that metal like an award look I count numbers and work with my personal……….military medals
The reason I never wrote much here before is because I was busy going viral on the wutang clan message forum all the time but I released some of my tracks here thats why I have received what appears to be unlimited rep points that I have been awarded here on Lil Wayne hq. Over here i have way more rep points than I ever had at the wutang clan before they banned me for accidentally cutting too deep but i called my lawyer the very next day and he said all my charges in that country were dropped and i had 5 and that was the shit 2 friends were around and i celebrated by playing the macarana
Procesuter said he wants me to work on my mental heath
It was Lil Wayne who actually made the first move then I made a move without knowing it Lil Wayne made the first move first
I've had this on the back burner for awhile son
It wasn't till after the fact that I discovered this shit “make it rain and commander crunk”what's paranormal about this shit is that Lil Wayne discovered me and made a song about my song at a time before I had ever even Heard of him Mr Lil Wayne yet
This is real and not a troll I'm schizophrenic and everyone says the old Jerry is back but...... I just got home from 10 weeks of treatment getting high lol
Ive been going hard for a week after i got back now
It consumed my life and I didn't have time for anything else
Thats the story of my last 10 years im always working lil wayne started it all and now its 10 years later and i have 39 songs at and like thousands of pages of writing and my blog links to most of it
I kept it in the back of mind for awhile till today when I just starting writing it its just coming out from wherever this shit comes from or however this shit works. I always tell people I get my lyrics from the realm of infinite knowledge and I believe that too
So I start appearing on the radio every day and shit and one day dudes like do you want some free Lil Wayne tickets and I said sure. even though make it rain had already been released I didn't know about that song yet because at this point I had never heard of Lil Wayne before
And it Took me and my buddy about 6 hours to push our way to the front of the concert when we did that shit andthere were like 15 thousand people there it was crazy
Lil wayne was doing a concert in front of 15 thousand fans and the entire time he was looking at a schizophrenic fan doing the elbow dance lol
It was actually mua ty
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this is my best music video im wearing a star wars sith symbol shirt and rapping while sitting on sex furniture you have no idea how high i got before i recorded this video holy shit was i on fire
no way its lil waynes 37th birthday today i just found at when i went to this site to post this post ive been working on for awhile. that synchronicity of powerfull in that
i had no idea it was his birthday today
happy birthday

This is real and not a troll
I got points
Read full post for full explanation
this is project trillogic from the wutang clan message forum i received over 75 thousand views there so yall should know that this will be worth the reading especially if you have just discovered me. Alot of people have encouraged me to write over all these years and im looking for fresh followers
Plus i am a very special rapper
Not the bad kind of special either lol
Here i am known as projectillogic. the wutang clan changed my name to project klozeril which is an antisphycotic and i didnt say anything then they eventually changed my name to project trillogic but i dont know why.
I went viral on there but ive moved on. i went independent on wordpress
And im willing to do a little writing here
I have a bunch of paranormal shit to talk about later
Ten years ago I was being aired on b96 the number one hip hop radio station in all of minnesota at the time and i was on 3-6 times a day for 2 full years straight because i took advantage of the writers strike that was 10 years ago
Something happened
It kinda went crazy
Say my name
Its jerome allen hickman
I count numbers like a freemason and i know their code and this is what my life has become
Im the most rapped about rapper of all time
A gifted schizophrenic
I actually think this shit
The code
I might be schizophrenic but im in the top 10 of the nation on academic tests and i really believe what i am saying .ive convinced a hand full of people but they have nothing to say because they dont know what to make of it either
To me it means go go go go go
And for the last 10 years thats what i did go go go go
Thats what i believe lol
No troll
My name is jerome allen hickman and my initals are jah and jah is the rastifarian god
Listen to the song lollipop by lil wayne its the one that went number one in the world shit thats gotta be 10 years ago by now
He says the name jerome in it like 5 times in it and on the unedited studio version of the single lollipop he whispers “j hickman” in the beginning thats me
Jerome allen hickman
He says j.hickman at 39 seconds on the unedited studio version
And its about me walking up to him at his 2008 concert in minneapolis minnesota
Make that ass jump like jer jer
Thats about me performing the elbow dance at that concert after we spent 6 hours pushing our way to the front
I swear to god
Altough i hadn’t heard of’ him before the concert he had apparently heard of me cuz there was aleady a song about me “make it rain” but i didn’t know about it
It all was fate………………….
we took 6 hours to walk up to him at the concert and he made a song about it
I was lured in by the occult but lil wayne was lured in by the elbow dance lol
Heres my newest blog
But this is a special one here just for lil wayne hq
I will do some typing i have a crazy ass story to tell
I scored in the top 10% of the nation on academic tests but im schizophrenic but schizophrenia has nothing to do with intelligence
The writers strike was 10 years ago
I go by jerry and projectillogic on 104.7 kcld now ive been calling into them for like 10 years im even good friends with some of them i was the only thing keeping b96 alive i was a call in listner and they lost me to my first major shit ton of bricks twisted schizophrenia manifistation that i experienced
I didn’t know what the fuck was going on!
So i switched from b96 to kcld
I could be on kcld as much as i wanted to but i just dont do it much anymore
Im always too busy
I was on there this morning
I started calling into b96 thats the radio station before kcld but 2 years into it ii started hearing voices and schizophrenia hit me like a shit ton of bricks and i didn’t know what the fuck was going on
My doctor says schizophrenia is the best mental disease to have and that although it hits you like a shit ton of bricks people with it tend to move on and its the best mental illness for statistical success
I got fired from the show and without me the show was cancled or i dont know why it was cancled but it happened after they stopped talking to me because i developed full blown schizophrenia and didn’t know what the fuck was going on
Hearing voices and hearing alternate versions of what people were saying but im fine on my meds but without them i loose the ability to distinguish reality as far as what i hear but im really really smart
I have to go along time off my meds for that shit to happen
I can tell the difference
I can tell the difference
In cases like this
All my friends here the same things i hear on songs i no longer here alternate versions of audio anymore
Now 10 years later i have prepared im no longer a beginner anymore i am a master
I have written many books and right now have created 39 songs
They all convinced me that i was good enough and to do it
But now im in way too deep
I went viral on the david icke and wutang clan message forum but i have my own blog
Im projectillogic my initials are pi the number pi is imbedded in everything just like me

This is a crazy story
Its going to be a challenge to write this perfectly but
Let me explain what has happened between me and Lil Wayne during the writers strike
when my career was first starting something happened that caused a chain reaction that allowed me to reach these high levels of height when it comes to achievement but im still being distributed as i float around as a sleeping giant with 39 songs that are ready to go they are ready for mass distribution and more on the way all highly rated by the people that have listned to them []D[][]v[][][]D
Basically what happened was that i called into the radio 10 years ago during the writers strike and they asked me to be a regular part of the show
Soon after that i was randomly asked if i wanted lil wayne tickets and although at this point i had never heard of him i still went
So then I go there and theres like 15 thousand fans and it takes us 6 hours to push ourselves to the front
Im screaming and shouting during the entire concert and lil wayne sees me
The paranormal part is that he had somehow heard one of my songs before all of this back at a time before i had ever even heard the name weezy or lil wayne
Its fate its destiny its paranormal
The song is “make it rain” by fat joe and lil wayne the one that came out in 2007
It just so happens to be the almost identical same beat as my first hit song i came out with in 2006 commander crunk
The most famous part of my song commander crunk is the part i say “come on nigga smoke some fucking crack crack crack crack crack crack”
And they say crack crack crack crack in their song
Fat joe says “i seen that best dope cuz he dont have that medal”
Well right before then i came home from the navy early without earning all the award medals and shit
Whats that an anquor on lil waynes forhead?
Lollipop went number one in the world
At the end of the song fat joe says “a nigga loose his life ja-rome i mean”
Im jerome allen hickman
And commander crunk was a song about suicide
Lil wayne heard my song and saved my life but he made me lick it like a lollipop
That sounds crazy right yeah at the time when this shit happened 10 years ago nobody on facebook believed me so i kept it a secret for 10 years now everyone i tell believes me including my friend jj from the 104.7 kcld moring show
On the album version of lollipop besides saying jerome 5 times he whispers in the beginning “j. Hickman”
and my names jerome allen hickman my initials are jah which are the same as the rastifarian god
He only whispers “j. Hickman” in the beginning of the lollipop unedited studio version and not in the other versions. Heres a link to that
He whispers j. Hickman at 39 seconds
so ok the catalyst for this thread is what happened which was that some high ranking member of Lil Wayne hq told me that I should make this mega thread here I think he seemed to believe me about what I had said about my connection with Lil Wayne and the dude told me that if I were to write this thread coherently enough that it might actually go viral and gain a lot of views
Ive been working on this post for awhile now
I've done it all before and have a lot of great material plus Lil Wayne voted for me on his most highly rated song ever
We went number one in the world together
I tasted number one in the world thats what kept me going all these years
nobody starting believing me till almost a decade later I had the nerve to release it wrong when this first became truth
The mod or like a mod member that told me to start writing this shit wrote it in my recent Lil Wayne apology thread that I had to made it because I said something schizophrenic in a thread like one time but I was pissed my music hasn't gone as viral as my writing
My writing has gotten hundreds of thousands of views and i was mad my music didn’t
I'm a top rate human being when it comes to intelligence levels it's just that I have schizophrenic tendencies but schizophrenia has nothing to do with intelligence I'm. As smart as they come yI'm a veteran of the military sub force and shit my job was to work on submarines but I only went through training 8 and a half months of the navy my names Jerome. Lollipop was on the carter 3 album and on the outro of that album lil wayne says “for 8 and a half months i gave and received the pain now its young money baby keep the change”
"make it rain" man I seen that best dope cuz he don't have that metal like an award look I count numbers and work with my personal……….military medals
The reason I never wrote much here before is because I was busy going viral on the wutang clan message forum all the time but I released some of my tracks here thats why I have received what appears to be unlimited rep points that I have been awarded here on Lil Wayne hq. Over here i have way more rep points than I ever had at the wutang clan before they banned me for accidentally cutting too deep but i called my lawyer the very next day and he said all my charges in that country were dropped and i had 5 and that was the shit 2 friends were around and i celebrated by playing the macarana
Procesuter said he wants me to work on my mental heath
It was Lil Wayne who actually made the first move then I made a move without knowing it Lil Wayne made the first move first
I've had this on the back burner for awhile son
It wasn't till after the fact that I discovered this shit “make it rain and commander crunk”what's paranormal about this shit is that Lil Wayne discovered me and made a song about my song at a time before I had ever even Heard of him Mr Lil Wayne yet
This is real and not a troll I'm schizophrenic and everyone says the old Jerry is back but...... I just got home from 10 weeks of treatment getting high lol
Ive been going hard for a week after i got back now

It consumed my life and I didn't have time for anything else
Thats the story of my last 10 years im always working lil wayne started it all and now its 10 years later and i have 39 songs at and like thousands of pages of writing and my blog links to most of it
I kept it in the back of mind for awhile till today when I just starting writing it its just coming out from wherever this shit comes from or however this shit works. I always tell people I get my lyrics from the realm of infinite knowledge and I believe that too
So I start appearing on the radio every day and shit and one day dudes like do you want some free Lil Wayne tickets and I said sure. even though make it rain had already been released I didn't know about that song yet because at this point I had never heard of Lil Wayne before
And it Took me and my buddy about 6 hours to push our way to the front of the concert when we did that shit andthere were like 15 thousand people there it was crazy
Lil wayne was doing a concert in front of 15 thousand fans and the entire time he was looking at a schizophrenic fan doing the elbow dance lol
It was actually mua ty
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this is my best music video im wearing a star wars sith symbol shirt and rapping while sitting on sex furniture you have no idea how high i got before i recorded this video holy shit was i on fire