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AMC's The Walking Dead

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  • Originally posted by MarkoMaxX View Post
    Yeah, Carl is cold blooded. I like his character much more now.. Didn't liked him in first 2 seasons very much..
    i did.. u really cant like put too much in him cause he was a little boy and the situation he was in... all the stuff that happened around him made him that character..

    Losing his mom, has to protect his sister and friends when his dad leaves, and his dad bugging out.

    he had to step up and mature


    • This show is dead.

      Its slowly becoming the worse show ever.

      So disappointing as that first season showed so much potential. Time to kill everybody off, from the characters to the writers, and start fresh.


      • Originally posted by MarkoMaxX View Post
        He was right though.. Everything he said to Rick after that was true..
        Read the comics if you have time, Carl is straight bad-ass..
        Ya all he said was true like when bill died and the others and I have been reading them he is a bad ass haha
        I could sell Sweet and Low to Sugar Ray Leonard!!!


        • Originally posted by Dexter. View Post
          This show is dead.

          Its slowly becoming the worse show ever.

          So disappointing as that first season showed so much potential. Time to kill everybody off, from the characters to the writers, and start fresh.
          Opinions...millions dont agree with you.. And you can't kill everybody off.. Those characters are still in comics..Those characters are the show.


          • Show is more of a drama now. But I digg it.
            ​repetition is the father of learning


            • Originally posted by Leaff View Post
              Yeah it was pretty boring but it was the Calm before the Storm kinda episode ya know? I think Meryl's gonna die cuz recently all the newcomers to the group be dying lol, like that old white prison inmate & the black guy before him. I believe Meryl's gonna die protecting someone & thats how hes gonna redeem himself of his bastard personality. We all know Daryl is too loved a character to die. I want Andrea to die cuz shes a moron, she could of ended it all...i think the Governor is gonna have a part in killing her.

              i called all this shit a month ago!! ahahaha, im an awesome guesser


              • Originally posted by Leaff View Post
                i called all this shit a month ago!! ahahaha, im an awesome guesser
                Nice. Now guess 4th season plot xD


                • Originally posted by MarkoMaxX View Post
                  Nice. Now guess 4th season plot xD
                  lol ill need some stuff to work with ...looks like they need to find a new food supply since the jail will run out with all those new people coming in...They also need to train them & clear the whole prison of zombies.


                  • They better watch out of those old people dying over night and turning into walkers. Probably will put them in seperate cells and lock the doors if their careful.
                    How the hell you aint here to see your prince do his thing?
                    Sometimes I wanna drop a tear, but no emotions from a king.


                    • Anyone watched trailer for 4th season?

                      Looks pretty damn good..


                      • Originally posted by MarkoMaxX View Post
                        Anyone watched trailer for 4th season?

                        Looks pretty damn good..
                        Yeah it looks cool, Main reason I still watch is to see what else they're gonna do different from the comics. The show has changed dramatically from the first 2 seasons. And not in a good way.


                        • Originally posted by thaJOKEsteR View Post
                          Yeah it looks cool, Main reason I still watch is to see what else they're gonna do different from the comics. The show has changed dramatically from the first 2 seasons. And not in a good way.
                          True.. But I guess that was the idea.. They wanted to separate comics from tv show and make like 2 stories..
                          I still find the concept cool and I'm definitely going to watch it.. There aren't good zombie tv shows (idk if there is one actually)..

