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AMC's The Walking Dead

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  • Originally posted by Ozzie View Post
    TWD is my fav series of all time. Cant wait for the last season
    last season or next season? cuz this aint last season.. there will be probably ~15 seasons if they dont cancel it


    • Originally posted by MarkoMaxX View Post
      last season or next season? cuz this aint last season.. there will be probably ~15 seasons if they dont cancel it
      I heard this is gonna be the last season? Isnt it? I was sure it was lol. Well I guess I might be wrong


      • Originally posted by Ozzie View Post
        I heard this is gonna be the last season? Isnt it? I was sure it was lol. Well I guess I might be wrong
        def not bro.. they got so much material and so much story left to be told.. they are no where near finished.. but if audience gets smaller, they may cancel it.. i hope not, but i also hope they don't slow it down and drag this shit to 15-20 seasons.. I guess 8-10 seasons are enough, but again, TWD is huge universe and huge story, and there is so much to tell, they can do it for as long as they want haha


        • Originally posted by MarkoMaxX View Post
          Heh, I watched all season, I watched all miniseries, I read all comics, I played all games.

          Gore in TV show is nothing to gore in comics. Nothing at all. If that gore you see in TV show is disturbing to you, then you some sensitive dude tbh.

          And I don't know how US TV works and shit, but if that's true then that even more supports what I said, that I'd rather have HBO do this instead of AMC..

          I hope it's worse and don't get me wrong I love character development, that's why I watch this TV show tbh.. I love the story, I love everything about the series, and I'm a huge fan of Walking Dead overall..

          I don't want all action, that's boring and isn't what Walking Dead is about, but sometimes you have to admit that they fuck up with too much pointless conversations.. Like Season 2 (IMO Worst season of all 4)..

          - - - Updated - - -

          That's only half..but he will probably upload more.. Pretty nice, I have them in PDF tho
          Dude. I didn't say it was disturbing to me but it's different to everybody. it's considered Disturbing for television because there's not another show that's as graphic and scene and gory as that show.

          The events and deaths that take place are graphic for US television. But really when you have 60 minutes of dialogue per episode it's kinda hard to fill it up with all action so you gotta have some pointless scenes.

          I was just stating because people think season 4 was boring but we have all kinds of new characters they couldn't just throw in and tell us nothing about them. & the thing about the show is its entirety has not been 100% true to the comics. So of course they can't act out scenes they can draw in a comic book. So far, they've done well.


          • Originally posted by IAmChristian_ View Post
            Dude. I didn't say it was disturbing to me but it's different to everybody. it's considered Disturbing for television because there's not another show that's as graphic and scene and gory as that show.

            The events and deaths that take place are graphic for US television. But really when you have 60 minutes of dialogue per episode it's kinda hard to fill it up with all action so you gotta have some pointless scenes.

            I was just stating because people think season 4 was boring but we have all kinds of new characters they couldn't just throw in and tell us nothing about them. & the thing about the show is its entirety has not been 100% true to the comics. So of course they can't act out scenes they can draw in a comic book. So far, they've done well.
            Yeah I guess, it is most graphic and disturbing tv show in US.. so I have to admit that you are right about that, but I'd still like to see little more graphic scenes like the one I mentioned, about Carl and bandits, but I guess with time they might make it more graphic..

            Still show is very intriguing and interesting even with those pointless scenes.

            I think Season 4 was very good, I disliked Season 2 tho, whole season was pointless and too long.. But they improved a lot since then..

            And yeah I know it's not 100% true to it, and that's what makes it interesting, but they still follow same timeline and pretty much same plot..

            But in the end, I think we can both agree that this show is one of the GOAT, and I hate when people hate on it for stupid reasons or no reasons at all..


            • Tonight my nigga Daryl will fuck those cannibals right in the pussy!


              • I need to start watching this.


                • Originally posted by Lil wayne prezident View Post
                  I need to start watching this.
                  Best Show Ever ofcourse after BB, GOT & True Detective!


                  • Toooo hyped for tonight!!!!
                    I could sell Sweet and Low to Sugar Ray Leonard!!!


                    • Originally posted by AishThaks View Post
                      Best Show Ever ofcourse after BB, GOT & True Detective!


                      • Best fucking premiere ever!


                        • Originally posted by IAmChristian_ View Post
                          Best fucking premiere ever!
                          Carol's tha real MVP tho!!

