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Why don't you believe in there being a god?

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  • #25
    Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

    Originally posted by FlashyScn View Post
    Take Biology, you will see how everything has evolved through time.
    I do....but the Big Bang theory is the must retarded thing I've ever heard.

    Originally posted by Sparky View Post
    Don't forget Megan Fox. That bitch is Heavenly.


    • #26
      Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

      Originally posted by YoungTune. View Post
      what scientific evidence do you have that says there is no God?
      None. Didn't say that.
      There is scientific evidence for the big bang. And naturally I'm gonna believe that.
      To me god = universe/big bang/stars/atoms etc etc.
      Not just a "man" who controls everything from the sky.
      I believe in "god", just not in the pretty basic way most do. (don't wanna sound condescending)< dnt know if I spelt that right


      • #27
        Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

        but what about possesion of the body

        DEMONS or such...


        • #28
          Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

          The Big Bang Theory is actually not retarded because it's all scientific evidence. You know when you turn on a radio and you hear static? That's the sound wave of the big bang that happened billions of years ago.


          • #29
            Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

            Originally posted by KnockMeOut View Post
            None. Didn't say that.
            There is scientific evidence for the big bang. And naturally I'm gonna believe that.
            To me god = universe/big bang/stars/atoms etc etc.
            Not just a "man" who controls everything from the sky.
            I believe in "god", just not in the pretty basic way most do. (don't wanna sound condescending)< dnt know if I spelt that right

            God isn't a man...he's a spirit..

            but the Big Bang is like me getting a bag...putting screws, bolts and wires in it...shaking it up and when I open the bag a toaster will be there...

            it's impossible

            but hey, It's your opinion and I respect that.


            • #30
              Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

              Originally posted by LilWeezy-Wee View Post
              I believe in God. But don't worship him. I'm a lesbian, pretty sure dats against Gods rules.
              Don't worry though hes a forgiven god (smiley face insert) lol
              And quit saying I'm forcing my religion notice how I haven't mention what mine is


              • #31
                Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                Originally posted by Wisheezy View Post
                Is there any evidence whatsoever that God has ever even existed?

                Edit: Marcus, don't be stupid this is a sensitive subject no need to insult. (Deleted your post.)
                I just met, people on Earth make it seem like Gods against Homo Sexuals ... Like in the Bible, I was basically saying to her that God won't Judge you for who you are. I don't see how that's stupid at all.

                But if it is stupid please explain to me how it is?


                • #32
                  Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                  Originally posted by NonSmoker132 View Post
                  I'm sorry you feel that way but who do you thank for being alive the next morning? You? NO you are not to thank your not the one who seemly froze time to rescue you from two colliding car crashes? People who follow god have a peaceful life and have no hatred to tend to. It makes you feel good when you do something good that shows that there's a difference between evil and good
                  I thank my parents for me having a house to live in and food on the table. I also thank my dad for being a good driver and not getting me killed. "People who follow god have a peaceful life" NOPE. my dad has been through more shit then you can imagine. God wasn't the one who worked 19 hour shifts EVERYDAY to bring home food. HE DID. So do not for a fucking SECOND tell me that god gives his believers a good life because if that is true my parents deserved A LOT more then they got.


                  • #33
                    Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                    Originally posted by Wisheezy View Post
                    The Big Bang Theory is actually not retarded because it's all scientific evidence. You know when you turn on a radio and you hear static? That's the sound wave of the big bang that happened billions of years ago.
                    Plus tha fact that the stars and galaxies etc are moving further apart as the universe expands and that the universe is cooling. And alot more evidence.

                    Dudes need to watch some documentaries lol.


                    • #34
                      Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                      Originally posted by YoungTune. View Post
                      God < Big Bang

                      lol @ people who think god is real...


                      • #35
                        Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                        Originally posted by Wisheezy View Post
                        The Big Bang Theory is actually not retarded because it's all scientific evidence. You know when you turn on a radio and you hear static? That's the sound wave of the big bang that happened billions of years ago.
                        And miracles is our proof, god isn't meant to be mixed with science, we've gone to school so they can teach their ways in the constitution I think they said not to merge government with religion so how look at things contrasts. Listen, if you were born with a religious family you'll probably have a different viewpoint than you have now


                        • #36
                          Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                          Originally posted by KnockMeOut View Post
                          Plus tha fact that the stars and galaxies etc are moving further apart as the universe expands and that the universe is cooling. And alot more evidence.

                          Dudes need to watch some documentaries lol.
                          I hope you also watched The Wonders of The Universe on BBC? Shit was so interesting

