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Why don't you believe in there being a god?

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  • #49
    Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

    Originally posted by NonSmoker132 View Post
    Well I'm sorry to say it, but theres people with harder lives than your family and he helps with time Im guessing your family is okay now and not deceased...god is to thank for that

    yes because the millions of kids in third world countries who pray to god are getting heavenly care packages everyday \o/
    OH WAIT, they die before they can.


    • #50
      Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

      Originally posted by FlashyScn View Post
      They already know lmao. They still believe so I don't smear it in their faces, but if the topic comes up in front of them , or friends / family, I will stand behind my point 100%
      And you said they had a hard life but still believe? Hmmmm I dont see how it'll be hard to convince them now


      • #51
        Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

        Just trying to lighten the mood in here....


        • #52
          Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

          Originally posted by NonSmoker132 View Post
          Well I'm sorry to say it, but theres people with harder lives than your family and he helps with time Im guessing your family is okay now and not deceased...god is to thank for that
          Dude you sound silly. What does being deceased have to do with believing God?


          • #53
            Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

            lol, this discussion took over the forum

            and to nonsmoker, i just stated my opinion, nothing more and less


            • #54
              Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

              Originally posted by KnockMeOut View Post
              Fuck yeah I watched that. I loved it.
              Lol DAMN yeah it really educated me.

              What I don't get is so many christians don't believe in the scientific side of life and the big bang yet there are many parts of the christianity religion that is open to big bang theory. For me, the christian religion just contradicts it's self time and time again, with not a single piece of proof to prove any existence of God himself or any of his actions I made my own decision he's never existed.

              For me religion is just faith, we as humans when we're down, upset and have no one else to turn to for help we always presume a higher power is there to guide and help us. It's our way of trying to make things better, seeing if someone can answer our prayers and help people in need.

              When people are upset or want a mircale to happen without religion people wouldn't do anything, but with religion it gives them some sort of hope that someone higher and magical will help and guide them, God for me has never lived or made anything but he is just something that people want to look up to for there answers in life, to guide and give hope and faith to people who worship him.

              Whilst science keeps you all alive, has increased life expectancy year after year and has constantly made life easier for you (cars, aeroplanes, drugs) and has explained how every single living thing on this planet has come into life and how the entire universe and solar systems and galaxies work, for me, science is clearly my choice. It has real evidence and you can see it everyday everywhere and in everything.


              • #55
                Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                Originally posted by NonSmoker132 View Post
                And you said they had a hard life but still believe? Hmmmm I dont see how it'll be hard to convince them now
                They believe in god for a lot of other reasons. They were raised with it etc.


                • #56
                  Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                  seriously guys watch this: its pretty basic but logical

                  ^^ Created by Jake_YMCMB


                  • #57
                    Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                    Originally posted by FlashyScn View Post
                    yes because the millions of kids in third world countries who pray to god are getting heavenly care packages everyday \o/
                    OH WAIT, they die before they can.
                    It's not possible were not all caring people but the people who are feel as they should that's because they know their suffering god influences them to do the right thing

                    ---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 PM ----------

                    Originally posted by marcusgettin View Post
                    Dude you sound silly. What does being deceased have to do with believing God?
                    People die everyday. Why haven't they though


                    • #58
                      Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                      Originally posted by FlashyScn View Post
                      They believe in god for a lot of other reasons. They were raised with it etc.
                      Just no if somehow there is a anti-christ in the near future or big somebody who praises god then you'll know the truth until then i can only believe until i see.


                      • #59
                        Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                        Originally posted by NonSmoker132 View Post
                        It's not possible were not all caring people but the people who are feel as they should that's because they know their suffering god influences them to do the right thing

                        ---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 PM ----------

                        People die everyday. Why haven't they though
                        Because their ORGANS are still HEALTHY and FUNCTIONING.

                        ---------- Post added at 01:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 PM ----------

                        Originally posted by IEATBEATZ View Post
                        Just no if somehow there is a anti-christ in the near future or big somebody who praises god then you'll know the truth until then i can only believe until i see.
                        I'll believe it when I see it. Fuck Blind Faith.


                        • #60
                          Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                          @marcus quit discriminating people sayin there silly or whatever.

                          this is a good thread though.

                          ---------- Post added at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 PM ----------

                          Originally posted by FlashyScn View Post
                          Because their ORGANS are still HEALTHY and FUNCTIONING.

                          ---------- Post added at 01:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 PM ----------

                          I'll believe it when I see it. Fuck Blind Faith.
                          Exactly why do we half to believe in something a book tells us, not the actual person or jesus never came and said here read this book i am your king.

                          blind faith.

                          for millions of years im sure this has been discussed so many time.

