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I was extremely let down with Now You See Me... I thought it was rather promising and yeah I was just like meh. I just found Pain & Gain quite funny.
I recommend you watch The Iceman, I enjoyed it a lot when I saw it at cinema and saw it's available for download now. Also The Frozen Ground was alright tbh. IP Man: The Final Fight was dreadful, I don't know why they made that with a different guy and shit. Just make IP Man 3 with the same guy.
Apart from that I've been watching mostly old films that I've not seen before, like Gone Baby Gone, Sin City, The Intouchables.
The Intouchables was a great movie, french subtitles but enjoyed every minute of it.
Jep, Now You See Me was such a huge let-down.
I've been thinking about watching The Iceman so I probably will soon. Sin City is ofc great, and The Intouchables is almost perfect only problem I had was the soundtrack was too heavy during the movie. I mean, it was a good soundtrack but it didn't need to pound that much in every damn scene. But really great movie. Still not seen Gone Baby Gone.
The Bourne Ultimatum - Found out I had seen it once, but couldn't remember much anyways. Great end to the trilogy (I think I prefer Supremacy tho). Don't think I'll bother with Lagacy...
City of God - Why did I wait so long to watch this? Amazing. Unfortunately the director lost it a bit in the middle and it was missing a bit of the beautiful cinematography and editing that made the start and ending so good. 8/10
The Bourne Ultimatum - Found out I had seen it once, but couldn't remember much anyways. Great end to the trilogy (I think I prefer Supremacy tho). Don't think I'll bother with Lagacy...
City of God - Why did I wait so long to watch this? Amazing. Unfortunately the director lost it a bit in the middle and it was missing a bit of the beautiful cinematography and editing that made the start and ending so good. 8/10
The Bourne Ultimatum - Found out I had seen it once, but couldn't remember much anyways. Great end to the trilogy (I think I prefer Supremacy tho). Don't think I'll bother with Lagacy...
City of God - Why did I wait so long to watch this? Amazing. Unfortunately the director lost it a bit in the middle and it was missing a bit of the beautiful cinematography and editing that made the start and ending so good. 8/10
Lately I've been a huge fan of one-take shots in movies, so I was wondering if you had a fav one-take shot in a movie (if you don't know what I'm talking about: it's those shots when the camera doesn't cut until 3-6 minutes or more).
Lately I've been a huge fan of one-take shots in movies, so I was wondering if you had a fav one-take shot in a movie (if you don't know what I'm talking about: it's those shots when the camera doesn't cut until 3-6 minutes or more).
Long-take I've always known it as but I get you... Erm I really can't think off the top of my head? Children of Men?
Thanx for the link! And yeah Children of Men is awesome!
This is probably the most impressive I've seen yet (from Atonement):
I've not seen it yet, but I need some shit to watch so I'll download that and watch it. Just been watching the Ong-Bak trilogy this week, gonna watch number 3 tonight. Been in a real martial arts asian movie mood recently, it's all I wanna watch, subbed asian martial arts films!