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Great fun, some funny scenes and a lot fantatic memories!
But if I should pick somethin' negative, it must be that it was a little to much Reunion, than American Pie. I missed some more new and funny classic American Pie scenes. Loved it anyways tho.
Great fun, some funny scenes and a lot fantatic memories!
But if I should pick somethin' negative, it must be that it was a little to much Reunion, than American Pie. I missed some more new and funny classic American Pie scenes. Loved it anyways tho.
if you liked that movie you will probably love.....
Great fun, some funny scenes and a lot fantatic memories!
But if I should pick somethin' negative, it must be that it was a little to much Reunion, than American Pie. I missed some more new and funny classic American Pie scenes. Loved it anyways tho.
Watched M:I-4 for the second time and Hot Fuzz for the first time. It was halirious. So silly, but still surprisingly funny, bloody and actionpacked! 8/10
Easy A was a dope movie. I had like a 20min boner because she was so hot.
Watched the iron sky in a teather today purely because it's the most expensive Finnish movie. It was ok but I wouldn't suggest it. Too booring. No boner this time.
Watching 2012 now because it comes from TV. I give some info about a boner afterwards.
Those boner things were a joke btw if u have no humor.