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The Batman | The Pengiun [Thread]

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  • #85
    Originally posted by YMCMB-FTW View Post
    I know the old movies. But as far as I know, Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy is a separate thing. It was a "realistic" take on Batman. Now they're doing a true "comic" Batman. A Batman that actually looks badass and menacing on screen, and knows how to kick everyone's ass. Christian Bale's Batman wouldn't fit in at all with this.
    Affleck's Batman won't be able to compete with Bale's on any level. The Batman/Bruce Wayne in this new movie, is gonna be a "older-wiser" Batman, like Bale as in TDKR. It's not a true "reboot" until we have a SOLO Batman film, where Affleck, or any other actor is playing Batman and the story is revolved around that character.

    This movie is a Superman movie, and the stepping stone for the Justice League movie, there won't be any groundwork set for the history of the Batman character himself. Yes, it's a different Batman, different actor, different suit etc... But it's just not a "true reboot."

    I see what you're trying to say, yes Nolan's franchise is separate from this, but we haven't nor will we be introduced into a new "Batman-world" for quite a long time... Mind, that this is a SEQUEL to a Superman movie.


    • #86
      Originally posted by IAmChristian_ View Post
      Affleck's Batman won't be able to compete with Bale's on any level. The Batman/Bruce Wayne in this new movie, is gonna be a "older-wiser" Batman, like Bale as in TDKR. It's not a true "reboot" until we have a SOLO Batman film, where Affleck, or any other actor is playing Batman and the story is revolved around that character.

      This movie is a Superman movie, and the stepping stone for the Justice League movie, there won't be any groundwork set for the history of the Batman character himself. Yes, it's a different Batman, different actor, different suit etc... But it's just not a "true reboot."

      I see what you're trying to say, yes Nolan's franchise is separate from this, but we haven't nor will we be introduced into a new "Batman-world" for quite a long time... Mind, that this is a SEQUEL to a Superman movie.
      The title seems to hint at this being a Justice League prequel to me though DC cannot be more obvious than this... They already managed to squeeze in Wonder Woman and Cyborg. Here's hoping they won't try to shoehorn Green Lantern and Flash in this as well.


      • #87
        Originally posted by YMCMB-FTW View Post
        The title seems to hint at this being a Justice League prequel to me though DC cannot be more obvious than this... They already managed to squeeze in Wonder Woman and Cyborg. Here's hoping they won't try to shoehorn Green Lantern and Flash in this as well.

        It's the groundwork for making the Justice League movie due out in a couple of years... They are slowly introducing the characters in this movie... "Dawn Of Justice" so don't be surprised when you see many more make appearances.


        • #88
          Originally posted by IAmChristian_ View Post
          It's the groundwork for making the Justice League movie due out in a couple of years... They are slowly introducing the characters in this movie... "Dawn Of Justice" so don't be surprised when you see many more make appearances.
          I wouldn't be surprised, but I would be sorely disappointed if DC even tries that. Especially since we still have the main title "Batman v Superman", so at least they should try to keep focus on those two. I could give Wonder Woman an excuse, since her relationship to both Bats and Supes could play a vital role.


          • #89
            Originally posted by YMCMB-FTW View Post
            I wouldn't be surprised, but I would be sorely disappointed if DC even tries that. Especially since we still have the main title "Batman v Superman", so at least they should try to keep focus on those two. I could give Wonder Woman an excuse, since her relationship to both Bats and Supes could play a vital role.
            Major characters that will play big roles in the JL movie will definitely have cameos, or roles in this film, but they aren't going to cram everybody into this movie... That would take away the element of surprises, and appearances for the JL movie.


            • #90
              Originally posted by YMCMB-FTW View Post
              The title seems to hint at this being a Justice League prequel to me though DC cannot be more obvious than this... They already managed to squeeze in Wonder Woman and Cyborg. Here's hoping they won't try to shoehorn Green Lantern and Flash in this as well.
              i heard they are looking into getting someone to play flash


              • #91
                Originally posted by Mnjaro View Post
                i heard they are looking into getting someone to play flash
                Well yeah, they are shooting Justice League back-to-back with this. Of course they're gonna have to get the team picked out soon. Question is, is DC gonna shoehorn everybody into Batman v Superman?


                • #92
                  Originally posted by YMCMB-FTW View Post
                  Well yeah, they are shooting Justice League back-to-back with this. Of course they're gonna have to get the team picked out soon. Question is, is DC gonna shoehorn everybody into Batman v Superman?
                  Ya that's what I meant sorry I heard they were casting him for this movie, don't know how true that is though...but ya shoe horning everyone in is a bad idea, they're just trying to catch up to marvel and the avengers and what they did in 1 movie, which is going to overcrowd things a lot


                  • #93
                    The Flash character from the new TV show airing... You can't start a Flash TV show, and then recast that character for a movie.


                    • #94
                      Originally posted by IAmChristian_ View Post
                      The Flash character from the new TV show airing... You can't start a Flash TV show, and then recast that character for a movie.
                      dont really know what i think about this, some people would agree with you others not so much, tv world is a different world from the comic world, they could do the same thing with green arrow if they put him in the movie, i dont think theyd cast the tv arrow for him.....anyway the flash starts next year, the movie comes out in 2016


                      • #95
                        Originally posted by Mnjaro View Post
                        dont really know what i think about this, some people would agree with you others not so much, tv world is a different world from the comic world, they could do the same thing with green arrow if they put him in the movie, i dont think theyd cast the tv arrow for him.....anyway the flash starts next year, the movie comes out in 2016
                        Of course they would choose the same Arrow, because if there is currently a specific actor playing that specific character on a TV show, you can't go make a movie with a different actor playing that same character...


                        • #96
                          Originally posted by IAmChristian_ View Post
                          Of course they would choose the same Arrow, because if there is currently a specific actor playing that specific character on a TV show, you can't go make a movie with a different actor playing that same character...

                          That's where the whole 'different universe' kicks in, this movie world could be a different universe than the tv universe

