Originally posted by nickiminajsitonmyface
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Do you have perfect logic? Philosophy is just the study of fundamental questions that cant be answered, you further your point with unanswerable questions? You get more questions than answers with that flawed logic.
Their are few types of people in this world
People with that idgaf attitude, that yolo attitude, that live everyday like its your last attitude, Which is a slave mentality in itself, you may think that you are being yourself, but this world has conditioned people into thinking like that, these people are slaves to the music they listen to that tell you not to give a fk, there are people who are slaves to the movies and TV they watch that , the celebrity lifestyles they want so bad, they are brainwashed in believing that money and fame are everything.
and their are people, with a more spiritual awakened attitude, people who live their life with the knowledge of knowing that this life is conditioned to make people think a certain way, they know the true motives behind certain aspects of life,
Me and you see eye to eye on a lot of things, I agree that the they are trying to dumb us down, I believe they want us to be smart enough to be able to work a 9 to 5, but not smart enough to ask questions and be critical thinking individuals,
Your associating people who have a belief of God, as being dumbed down, as being slaves to the govt, as being slaves and what not. You think that christians sit around all day waitng for God to give them a sign, thats not what God teaches at all man,