kidcomet put me on his ignore list because until I give him my ds ._. well now I feel ignored and today I woke up mad about my personality -_- this forum I go on called sploder, I have been there for years you can make games there and I was known for making real cool games over there but now I hate that place now because everyone started calling me a racist bitch because i talked about white people and this guy who used to be my friend yesterday said he was gunna come to my crib IRL and seriously knock me out
he actually lives in my same town and I’ve never seen him get that angry before so like, I just decided to leave that forum for good and now I am staying on lilwaynehq do YOU guys think I am a cool and chill person to hang out with??? Am I a fun user to talk to and crack jokes with? (on the Forums and stuff) I try real real hard to come up with the best threads and make funny and weird posts for people to read, I don’t want anyone to get bored of my posts and that’s why I plan out everything I say here, all of my replies to people all of my topics, all of my pms, I literally sit for hours to write and re write and go back and edit those because I want every word to be perfect and sound right xD I WANT EVERYONE TO LIKE ME (on here and in real life) if someone doesn’t like me or ignores me well then I feel boring. does anyone here who lives in the same town as me want to be my best friend in real life? I don’t have any real friends irl except on psn and the forums I go on, if you are my friend you get the perks of being my friend, I will let you borrow my games/movies/music and snacks and I will let you borrow my moms car and I will smoke with you, if you are my friend I will make your days more fun and I will instantly respond to all your messages and posts, however you cant make fun of me tho and you cant touch my gf or talk that much to her, (when I get one) I don’t play those games. does anyone here not like me tho like for real?? If so can you please just tell me why 4 and what you don’t like about me?! tell me and I will instantly change it and never do that again I SWEAR
also sorry for random question but how do I stop my friend from asking me for a dollar every time he sees me
I gave him the money at first because I thought he really needed it but now he always keeps asking me
man fuck
also sorry for random question but how do I stop my friend from asking me for a dollar every time he sees me
man fuck