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Protests and riots?

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  • #13
    Originally posted by Mnjaro View Post

    when did I ever say I was for any of those

    I just honestly believe a lot, not everyone, but a lot do it without knowing all the facts, and again just do it because of a couple things trump has said and its getting annoying at this point, especially with celebrities putting their input in whenever they can (yes trump is a celebrity first i know..)

    don't agree with what he's said at times, but hey look where it got him, and trust me, from what i've heard mike pence is a worse option than trump for president

    but again i live in canada so...i'm happy where i am lol
    lol why would you think i'm saying you are for that shit? i'm saying you cant just sit back and accept bullshit. Progress doesn't work that way. Might be some people that are just looking for an excuse to fuck shit up, but I think most people know why they are protesting, alot of people wont even bother protest even though they feel some way about it.

    I think alot of the people protesting are unhappy with their voting system, like the fact that Hillary (fuck her) had 2,8 Million more votes than Trump, but still lost because of the electoral collage.. the historic womens march after his inauguration, they knew he was going to affect their abortion rights, and few days later he did. the airport protests.. people couldn't meet their family members because Trump didn't even bother to check how his immigration ban would affect dual citizens.

    Most of them are protesting for a damn good reason. If your government lied on national tv and called any criticism fake news, wouldn't you be mad? If they lie about such small things like crowd sizes, can you really trust them to not lie about their politics? The protests aren't annoying, the lying is.

    btw its awesome that celebrities are speaking out, alot of people will listen to them.

    ''They say they want the drugs to stop but imma major setback when my album drop''


    • #14
      politics are so wack


      • #15
        Trump is mostly against globalism. And that is a good thing. Choosing where you live has never been a human right, nor should it be.

        Countries don't exist to cater to the needs of other countries or their people. This might not be right, but its a fact that makes the western lifestyle possible to begin with. To not see that is to be blind to the truth.


        • #16
          Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post
          lol why would you think i'm saying you are for that shit? i'm saying you cant just sit back and accept bullshit. Progress doesn't work that way. Might be some people that are just looking for an excuse to fuck shit up, but I think most people know why they are protesting, alot of people wont even bother protest even though they feel some way about it.

          I think alot of the people protesting are unhappy with their voting system, like the fact that Hillary (fuck her) had 2,8 Million more votes than Trump, but still lost because of the electoral collage.. the historic womens march after his inauguration, they knew he was going to affect their abortion rights, and few days later he did. the airport protests.. people couldn't meet their family members because Trump didn't even bother to check how his immigration ban would affect dual citizens.

          Most of them are protesting for a damn good reason. If your government lied on national tv and called any criticism fake news, wouldn't you be mad? If they lie about such small things like crowd sizes, can you really trust them to not lie about their politics? The protests aren't annoying, the lying is.

          btw its awesome that celebrities are speaking out, alot of people will listen to them.
          I actually did a paper on the electoral college vs. the popular vote, right after trump won, and i found that popular vote is actually a worse way to vote for the president than the popular keep it short (essay was 10 pages long), popular vote breaks 2 voting acts and an ammendment in the constitution, opens up multi-party races which can lead to a president with a 15% or even less of the popular vote winning if enough people spread the vote around, and it opens up more scamming and vote fraud across the country, but I do agree that the system they have in place is broken and definitely needs to be updated, just not in the way of popular vote, or they would have to rewrite some of the constitution and voting acts which could take years to get approved...

          and personally I just think celebrities should stay out of it (yes trump ran i know lol, not saying it was right), they live completely different lives than us, face none of the problems we face, or not nearly as much, they live in their own world and are wayyyy out of touch with normal everyday struggles, just my opinion though


          • #17
            Originally posted by Mnjaro View Post
            I actually did a paper on the electoral college vs. the popular vote, right after trump won, and i found that popular vote is actually a worse way to vote for the president than the popular keep it short (essay was 10 pages long), popular vote breaks 2 voting acts and an ammendment in the constitution, opens up multi-party races which can lead to a president with a 15% or even less of the popular vote winning if enough people spread the vote around, and it opens up more scamming and vote fraud across the country, but I do agree that the system they have in place is broken and definitely needs to be updated, just not in the way of popular vote, or they would have to rewrite some of the constitution and voting acts which could take years to get approved...

            and personally I just think celebrities should stay out of it (yes trump ran i know lol, not saying it was right), they live completely different lives than us, face none of the problems we face, or not nearly as much, they live in their own world and are wayyyy out of touch with normal everyday struggles, just my opinion though
            Doesn't make sense to me how someone with less than 15% of the popular vote can win if enough people spread their votes around?? but okay, I haven't done any research on that so I guess you're right. I see your point on the celebs, even though alot of them started where we are, or way below. Many of them could still be out of touch with reality, especially the ones that been celebrities since they were kids.

            Anyways, I think protesting is crucial, here's just an recent example of what people can do if they stand togheter:

            and if they wont listen, storm the damn government building.

            ''They say they want the drugs to stop but imma major setback when my album drop''


            • #18
              Hillary won the biggest liberal state California by 4 million votes. She won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.

              31 states voted Trump, 20 voted Clinton. (DC is included)

              Literally the entire point of the electoral college is so one state doesn't dictate the entire nation, like it would've this election if it was based off the popular vote.

              It did exactly the job it was suppose to do this election.

              Thank god.

              - - - Updated - - -

              Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post
              lol why would you think i'm saying you are for that shit? i'm saying you cant just sit back and accept bullshit. Progress doesn't work that way. Might be some people that are just looking for an excuse to fuck shit up, but I think most people know why they are protesting, alot of people wont even bother protest even though they feel some way about it.

              I think alot of the people protesting are unhappy with their voting system, like the fact that Hillary (fuck her) had 2,8 Million more votes than Trump, but still lost because of the electoral collage.. the historic womens march after his inauguration, they knew he was going to affect their abortion rights, and few days later he did. the airport protests.. people couldn't meet their family members because Trump didn't even bother to check how his immigration ban would affect dual citizens.

              Most of them are protesting for a damn good reason. If your government lied on national tv and called any criticism fake news, wouldn't you be mad? If they lie about such small things like crowd sizes, can you really trust them to not lie about their politics? The protests aren't annoying, the lying is.

              btw its awesome that celebrities are speaking out, alot of people will listen to them.
              Celebrities speaking out completely backfires. I promise you from someone who lives in the States. They're all living in Hollywood, Hollywood has always been Democratic.

              The middle of America doesn't give a fuck about celebrities or Hillary would've won when they were all campaigning for her. Middle America is the heart of America. These celebrities don't know anyone who owns a gun, drives a pickup for work, the real working class Americans. They're the people that elected Trump.
              Last edited by Weezy_KB24; 02-09-2017, 01:35 AM.


              • #19
                Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post
                Doesn't make sense to me how someone with less than 15% of the popular vote can win if enough people spread their votes around?? but okay, I haven't done any research on that so I guess you're right. I see your point on the celebs, even though alot of them started where we are, or way below. Many of them could still be out of touch with reality, especially the ones that been celebrities since they were kids.

                Anyways, I think protesting is crucial, here's just an recent example of what people can do if they stand togheter:

                and if they wont listen, storm the damn government building.
                While protesting definitely has its place, the problem here is that the protesters aren't doing themselves any good. It's backfiring hard on them. And it should, because their behaivour is way out of line. Also these people are protesting against what they preceive to be the problem, when they are the real problem. The conservatives didn't put trump in office, the liberals did. They treat anyone in the country who doesn't think just like them as a lesser person. They're insulting, condescending and come off as very self center, so no one likes them.
                So everyone, even a good number of dems and independents, voted against them. That's how trump won.

                All these protests, riots, crying celebs, it's just making them look worse and worse and pushing more people to back trump. If they really want change, then they need to start with themselves. Not expect everyone else to bow to them.

                they also should have come up with a decent candidate. They flunked that one bad this election. Hilary is probably the most hated woman in the US and they thought backing her was a good idea? They need a serious reality check.


                • #20
                  Originally posted by Liz View Post
                  I'm just wondering what people are thinking on all the protests and rioting going on right now. Especially the people looking at it from outside the USA.

                  When I was a kid the KKK and the Black Panthers both planned rallys in a nearby town the same weekend. Everyone in town simply hung a ribbon for peace on their porch and then ignored it. No one protested, attacked, rioted or gave them the attention they wanted.

                  Both rally's happened and ended peacefully with no issues, or attention, which was the point.

                  Now people have no tolerance to anyone with a different opinion. They would rather spread hate then let it die quietly by not supporting it. I've always sat pretty much in the middle with my beliefs, but now I'm disgusted with both the liberals and conservatives behavior. How can you expect or think you deserve respect when you refuse to give it.

                  The whole situation just makes me sick.
                  One thing I know for sure about this though...Russia is happy AF

                  Originally posted by Shake
                  Why so negative all the time???


                  • #21
                    Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post
                    Doesn't make sense to me how someone with less than 15% of the popular vote can win if enough people spread their votes around?? but okay, I haven't done any research on that so I guess you're right. I see your point on the celebs, even though alot of them started where we are, or way below. Many of them could still be out of touch with reality, especially the ones that been celebrities since they were kids.

                    Anyways, I think protesting is crucial, here's just an recent example of what people can do if they stand togheter:

                    and if they wont listen, storm the damn government building.
                    So in short, electoral college is run in a certain way so that only 2 parties will be able to successfully run, which is republican and democrat.......with popular vote, if someone has enough money and caters to the right crowd, they'll be eligible to run, so than we will have a multi party race, one may cater to African American population, one the Latino, another the white, one the poor, one the rich and so this leads to these demographs voting for that certain person....with these 5 races alone, you'd need just 21% of the popular vote to win theoretically, and these numbers could be even lower if other parties campaign.....Another thing I found, which I know would never happen buts it's still a what if, is that there would be no way to determine a winner if there was a tie...which the electoral college does have a plan for.....

                    And finally just to go off what weezy_kb24 mentioned, more than 50% of the population of the American live in just 11 states, popular vote would also mean campaigners would go for just those 11 potentially, and exclude the rest of the country, meaning those 11 would determine how the country is run pretty much because of catering to them


                    • #22
                      Originally posted by Vocker View Post
                      One thing I know for sure about this though...Russia is happy AF

                      yeah congrats to them with the decriminalization of domestic violence, finally they can get drunk and beat their wife and kids legally lmao

                      Originally posted by Liz View Post
                      While protesting definitely has its place, the problem here is that the protesters aren't doing themselves any good. It's backfiring hard on them. And it should, because their behaivour is way out of line. Also these people are protesting against what they preceive to be the problem, when they are the real problem. The conservatives didn't put trump in office, the liberals did. They treat anyone in the country who doesn't think just like them as a lesser person. They're insulting, condescending and come off as very self center, so no one likes them.
                      So everyone, even a good number of dems and independents, voted against them. That's how trump won.

                      All these protests, riots, crying celebs, it's just making them look worse and worse and pushing more people to back trump. If they really want change, then they need to start with themselves. Not expect everyone else to bow to them.

                      they also should have come up with a decent candidate. They flunked that one bad this election. Hilary is probably the most hated woman in the US and they thought backing her was a good idea? They need a serious reality check.
                      Same thing can be said about the right wingers/republicans tbh.. I wonder if it would been different if Bernie was backed by DNC instead.

                      Originally posted by Mnjaro View Post
                      So in short, electoral college is run in a certain way so that only 2 parties will be able to successfully run, which is republican and democrat.......with popular vote, if someone has enough money and caters to the right crowd, they'll be eligible to run, so than we will have a multi party race, one may cater to African American population, one the Latino, another the white, one the poor, one the rich and so this leads to these demographs voting for that certain person....with these 5 races alone, you'd need just 21% of the popular vote to win theoretically, and these numbers could be even lower if other parties campaign.....Another thing I found, which I know would never happen buts it's still a what if, is that there would be no way to determine a winner if there was a tie...which the electoral college does have a plan for.....

                      And finally just to go off what weezy_kb24 mentioned, more than 50% of the population of the American live in just 11 states, popular vote would also mean campaigners would go for just those 11 potentially, and exclude the rest of the country, meaning those 11 would determine how the country is run pretty much because of catering to them
                      Okay I get it, lots of states can be left in the dust that way.. I think it should be possible for several parties to have a shot too though, we have it that way here in Norway, our government is a coalition of two parties working togheter, with support from 19 mandates of two other parties. But there is no way to compare my country to USA..

                      ''They say they want the drugs to stop but imma major setback when my album drop''


                      • #23
                        Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post
                        yeah congrats to them with the decriminalization of domestic violence, finally they can get drunk and beat their wife and kids legally lmao
                        Originally posted by Shake
                        Why so negative all the time???


                        • #24
                          Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post
                          yeah congrats to them with the decriminalization of domestic violence, finally they can get drunk and beat their wife and kids legally lmao

                          Same thing can be said about the right wingers/republicans tbh.. I wonder if it would been different if Bernie was backed by DNC instead.

                          Okay I get it, lots of states can be left in the dust that way.. I think it should be possible for several parties to have a shot too though, we have it that way here in Norway, our government is a coalition of two parties working togheter, with support from 19 mandates of two other parties. But there is no way to compare my country to USA..
                          i feel you, but honestly with the states I feel people would use it to just divide people and would cater to specific social statuses or races like I talked about in the last post, they don't have the best track record as seen lol

