Originally posted by Mnjaro
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I think alot of the people protesting are unhappy with their voting system, like the fact that Hillary (fuck her) had 2,8 Million more votes than Trump, but still lost because of the electoral collage.. the historic womens march after his inauguration, they knew he was going to affect their abortion rights, and few days later he did. the airport protests.. people couldn't meet their family members because Trump didn't even bother to check how his immigration ban would affect dual citizens.
Most of them are protesting for a damn good reason. If your government lied on national tv and called any criticism fake news, wouldn't you be mad? If they lie about such small things like crowd sizes, can you really trust them to not lie about their politics? The protests aren't annoying, the lying is.
btw its awesome that celebrities are speaking out, alot of people will listen to them.