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Hip Hop POV - Lil Wayne 2 part Exclusive Interview
He obviously isn't talking about Charlemagne; he's talking about the girl interviewing Wayne - the only person that interviews Wayne on this broadcast.
If y'all had a GRAIN of common sense, you would know the #1 question fans really want to hear is: When is the next project coming out?
If you really wanna be realistic. But ofcourse, you can keep dreaming that they'll ask why C4 sucked or what color his underwear is or why he skates or whatever yall care about.
What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.
If y'all had a GRAIN of common sense, you would know the #1 question fans really want to hear is: When is the next project coming out?
If you really wanna be realistic. But ofcourse, you can keep dreaming that they'll ask why C4 sucked or what color his underwear is or why he skates or whatever yall care about.
I was going to make this exact post, but then thought "is it worth it"...
If y'all had a GRAIN of common sense, you would know the #1 question fans really want to hear is: When is the next project coming out?
If you really wanna be realistic. But ofcourse, you can keep dreaming that they'll ask why C4 sucked or what color his underwear is or why he skates or whatever yall care about.
20 more minutes. I really hope we just get some good news regarding music. I could careless about him skating and his clothing line, we've heard too much about that stuff recently