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seems to me that chris is the most hated person in music right now
what the fuck happened smh
shouldnt have dissed Drizzy, and block your fans. The review is funny but he's out of line he' there to judge the music not his life. and Rihanna deserved some that ass whooping? How is it when a bitch hits a nigga its all gravy (espicially when the nigga driving), and then you gonna taunt the nigga and throw his mom getting beat right in his face.
Chris continues taking L's, now hes blocking fans on Twitter because Fortune flopped
he shouldn't do that. because he gonna need those same fans to buy tickets to his shows. and those music artist with millions of followers need to realize that followers don't equate album sales.
I think I'm the only nigga that like the whole album except the overplayed singles, ex. Sweet Love, Turn Up The Music, Strip...but the rest cranks, I guess cause I sing and I try to learn all the words to every song to sing to my females...
"You tied to the track on my train of thoughts, and controlling my thoughts is like tamin sharks..." "I gotta hit 'em, like redbones wit long hair, fuck wit me ya ass is grass, get a lawn chair..."
"Life is a bitch, I'll make her yo ex..." - B.R.A. (Best Rapper Alive)
ShAkE 'eM uP!!sHaKe 'Em Up!!ShAkE 'eM uP!!!