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I was listening to Tyga's first mixtape, Young On Probation (2007) for the first time in a while, and I noticed something, there was a song featuring Jay Rock and Kendrick Lamar (K. Dot), Dunno if it's rare but I thought I'd post it here, it's dope
“I’ve got a song called ‘Dying of Thirst. I want you to listen to it and then you’ll understand what I’m talking about. Just life, in general, is the meaning behind it. It’s a certain situation that I had to go through; I had to bump my head a few times to know what I had to do to get back right.”
“It’s probably one of the deepest songs on [the album] that I’ve written. It’s real short though, probably only a minute or two. When people listen to the album a few more times, and go back and forth, they really understand the setting and the actual position that it has in the album and why it’s in that tracklisting.”
“That’s my whole thing — I like doing whole bodies of work. I don’t want people to listen one time and then pop in the next dude. I want them to actually live with [my album] for years and be able to understand it and digest it.”