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Holy shit that was an insane premiere! Spoilers below for anyone who isn't caught up yet:
I can't decide which is crazier. Hershel getting his leg cut off, or the prisoners they found who aren't walkers. Lol. Either way I'm fucking excited for Sunday
Worrrdd that shit was crazy!!!!!! Well Episode 2 in two days
I could sell Sweet and Low to Sugar Ray Leonard!!!
I hate Carl, kid is so annoying & got Dale killed with his retarded ass. Stupid ass kid tbh
Still man, no kid has to go through that shit. SPOILER First vagina he sees in his life and it's his mom's And then he had to shoot her... Now Rick's one lonely dad with 2 kids
Still man, no kid has to go through that shit. SPOILER First vagina he sees in his life and it's his mom's And then he had to shoot her... Now Rick's one lonely dad with 2 kids
SPOILERI feel bad for rick but not Carl, Carl is just stupid. But Rick needs to stop with that angry Hulk smash shit, walking around the prison killing zombies left & right for no reason. Dude is gonna get himself killed then Carl will be on his own
SPOILERI feel bad for rick but not Carl, Carl is just stupid. But Rick needs to stop with that angry Hulk smash shit, walking around the prison killing zombies left & right for no reason. Dude is gonna get himself killed then Carl will be on his own
It'll be a long time before that happens though...