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they said i couldn't play football i was too small
they said i couldn't play basketball i wasn't tall
they said i couldn't play baseball at all
& now everyday of my life I BALL !
I'll be applying next year, hopefully to study law. I'm most interested in: Birmingham, Newcastle, Bristol, Durham, Reading and East Anglia. I need 'AAA' or 'AAB' for all of these courses, though.
He was calling me real because I admitted that Lil Wayne is responsible for most of the success in my life while many of you laughed at the fact that I said Lil Wayne broke my heart. That part is entirely true.
That was a typo.
All of those things are true. And yes, I got exposed in that thread as well; I did not know you could not double major at Princeton, and double majoring is something I really want to do.
I'll be applying next year, hopefully to study law. I'm most interested in: Birmingham, Newcastle, Bristol, Durham, Reading and East Anglia. I need 'AAA' or 'AAB' for all of these courses, though.
Are you at university?
owhh I hear that...Yeah I'm starting October, finishing my last year in 6th form next week...6 months off
still debating whether to go Brunel, Middlesex or West minster