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When people ask me: what do you mean when you say a movie is overbloated? That it is CGI-heavy and completely distant? That it is messy, confusing in the migrane kind of way, repeatitive, and last but not least the defintion of an unbearable blockbuster-building-breaker-shit-piece?
I can now comfortably say: go watch Transformers Age of Extinction.
lol he's like an anti-hero character, part of the xmen universe and main guy he is attached to is wolverine.....sort of meant to be like a joke/not taken seriously villain/antihero
lol he's like an anti-hero character, part of the xmen universe and main guy he is attached to is wolverine.....sort of meant to be like a joke/not taken seriously villain/antihero
You do know that this clip is a computer-generated "story board" meant as a way of showing kind of what direction the producers want to go and how the tone of the movie is. This clip is NOT in the movie bruh, it's a cheap ass clip made only for direction and as a "sales trick" to distributers when prestenting the idea.
You do know that this clip is a computer-generated "story board" meant as a way of showing kind of what direction the producers want to go and how the tone of the movie is. This clip is NOT in the movie bruh, it's a cheap ass clip made only for direction and as a "sales trick" to distributers when prestenting the idea.
yea I know lol, I'm just saying that whole clip and idea was wack to me.
yea I know lol, I'm just saying that whole clip and idea was wack to me.
Yeah okay. I think it's going to be pretty decent. But I would really want this to be R-rated. Both in language and violence. I think it would work so much better, but that's never gonna happen...
Yeah okay. I think it's going to be pretty decent. But I would really want this to be R-rated. Both in language and violence. I think it would work so much better, but that's never gonna happen...
would you prefer they actually have reynolds suit up? or would you want it like the concept footage where, maybe not everything is CGI, but deadpool is at least?
would you prefer they actually have reynolds suit up? or would you want it like the concept footage where, maybe not everything is CGI, but deadpool is at least?
I would want as much of it real as possible. That means real blood too, real eksplosions where possible etc.
But that is my standing ground on close to every movie production heh.
is there any films on imdb that have a 10/10 rating?
Yes but that's mostly because it doesn't have a lot of ratings yet because it is independent or limited in its release.
Now, this is not a movie but a tv episode, but Breaking Bad's "Ozymandias" epsiode has a perfect 10/10 with close to 55.000 ratings and that is damn impressive!