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Wow.. Really dude? How old are you? I aint bout to argue with any man/woman/kid on the internet..
I work at Voodoo Tattoo in Chalmette.. Come see me & talk shit to my face.
Wow.. Really dude? How old are you? I aint bout to argue with any man/woman/kid on the internet..
I work at Voodoo Tattoo in Chalmette.. Come see me & talk shit to my face.
I kno we both kno dat we ain't EVER gonna meet face 2 face.. So dat last bit was dumb. But I'm curious 2 y u say "Fuk 12" honest answer pleaz
Don't take this the wrong way, but the next time you see Flow let him know that we wanna hear that Heroic vol.1 delivery, flow, and lyrics on Heroic vol.2. There's nothing wrong with how he raps now but if he takes a step back and listens to the difference between his old lyrics and now there's a huge difference.
And also that he should just drop solo mixtapes from now on if it's not gonna be Flame gang mixtapes. Brothers from another kolor had the potential to get a lot of downloads but he's not dropping any videos of the dope songs on it to even promote it. He just dropped the mixtape and called it a day.
Check this out homie, Im not telling that man how to do his music.. Thats all him..
Well if anybody was ever wordering if Wayne is a real blood Term just confirms that he is on twitter. Said he put him down back in the day, said he's a real mob piru. Random post I know
Well if anybody was ever wordering if Wayne is a real blood Term just confirms that he is on twitter. Said he put him down back in the day, said he's a real mob piru. Random post I know
Random as fuk, u high bro? Lol just fukin wit u. But dat was an interesting piece of info