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yall know bonka and flow both think tha same way right, like flow only allowed that because he stopped fuckin wit gates when he found outt
FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER AND INSTAGRM @LANO_DEE I Follow Back #NewOrleans #Nola #TeamFollowBack #HipHop #YMCMB #CASHMONEY #WhoDatNation #OneLove #1Love #DontGiveaFuck #Keepit100 and #BishDontKillmyVibe FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER AND INSTAGRM @LANO_DEE I Follow Back
Bonka hates on Gates on Instagram constantly. Apparently the story goes, when Gates did time he was fucking dudes when he was locked up. I remember voodoo said something like that about him awhile back too
Bonka hates on Gates on Instagram constantly. Apparently the story goes, when Gates did time he was fucking dudes when he was locked up. I remember voodoo said something like that about him awhile back too
is there a download for this new track?
Sounds like these niggas salty Gates has 10x the amount in his bank acct that all of 'Flame Gang' has combined.
Bonka hates on Gates on Instagram constantly. Apparently the story goes, when Gates did time he was fucking dudes when he was locked up. I remember voodoo said something like that about him awhile back too