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# The Official Random Topic Thread

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  • Originally posted by nickiminajsitonmyface View Post
    I love how you support torture in Hell, that's a good look on you.
    I support whatever God and the Word of God says. If that includes the eternal consequence of going to hell, then I cant rule it out. You wouldnt even have to worry about going to hell if you would see the goodness in God instead of coming up with redundant excuses.


    • Originally posted by KidComet View Post
      I support whatever God and the Word of God says. If that includes the eternal consequence of going to hell, then I cant rule it out. You wouldnt even have to worry about going to hell if you would see the goodness in God instead of coming up with redundant excuses.
      You just don't have the balls to stand up to a tyrant. Look up the definition of a tyrant. If God stripped you naked and gave you a serious illness you would still support Him. You are blinded. You support the eternal torture and enslavement of people. You are mad. God can be anything. He can be an alien race with too much power and no emotions, and no concern for human quality of life.
      המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים


      • Originally posted by sealneaward View Post
        @<a href="" target="_blank">WeezyFan</a> @<a href="" target="_blank">Lucifer</a> There's an running near where I live in Toronto for the month of May. It's showcasing 40yrs of hip-hop and the opening night, there is a Q and A with Jonathan Mannion. I think I'm gonna go if I can find a buddy to go to it. Let me know if you want me to ask him anything about Wayne.


        • Originally posted by nickiminajsitonmyface View Post
          You just don't have the balls to stand up to a tyrant. Look up the definition of a tyrant. If God stripped you naked and gave you a serious illness you would still support Him. You are blinded. You support the eternal torture and enslavement of people. You are mad. God can be anything. He can be an alien race with too much power and no emotions, and no concern for human quality of life.
          Your really confused my dude, the only "Tyrant" here is the devil man, you gotta see and witness the goodness God does for people, and then the evil the Devil does in peoples lives, and then you can then make statements,
          And Im not blinded at all, There is nothing forcing me to love God, I love him out of free will.

          And As the support for eternal torture and enslavement of people, I have no control of the afterlife, whatever happens when you die, and when your soul leaves your body, is nothing I can do anything about, you cant do anything about it either, that is entirely up to God.

          God has every right to do whatever he wants, he has every right to send people to hell if he chooses to do so, thats just how it is, sorry if you don't like it man. You can take it up to him, but all the people going to hell isnt your problem to bare, you need to work on fixing yourself man, and remove the anger in your heart already and grow up


          • Originally posted by KidComet View Post
            Your really confused my dude, the only "Tyrant" here is the devil man, you gotta see and witness the goodness God does for people, and then the evil the Devil does in peoples lives, and then you can then make statements,
            And Im not blinded at all, There is nothing forcing me to love God, I love him out of free will.

            And As the support for eternal torture and enslavement of people, I have no control of the afterlife, whatever happens when you die, and when your soul leaves your body, is nothing I can do anything about, you cant do anything about it either, that is entirely up to God.

            God has every right to do whatever he wants, he has every right to send people to hell if he chooses to do so, thats just how it is, sorry if you don't like it man. You can take it up to him, but all the people going to hell isnt your problem to bare, you need to work on fixing yourself man, and remove the anger in your heart already and grow up
            This isn't about my life. Or yours. So don't go off giving me advice I don't need any. Your "we can't do anything about God, He can do whatever he wants."

            This attitude is stupid. Why support a God who created Hell? I'm done arguing with you, you're mad if you think people deserve to end up in Hell for 70 or so years of mistakes. Completely mad.
            המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים


            • Originally posted by Lucifer View Post
              Official Lil Wayne Rap Genius Thread:


              • Originally posted by nickiminajsitonmyface View Post
                This isn't about my life. Or yours. So don't go off giving me advice I don't need any. Your "we can't do anything about God, He can do whatever he wants."

                This attitude is stupid. Why support a God who created Hell? I'm done arguing with you, you're mad if you think people deserve to end up in Hell for 70 or so years of mistakes. Completely mad.

                And I Guess that you think that everyone deserve to live in paradise forever? Oh yesss Josh, We all deserve an eternal paradise, we are all deserving of getting everything we want, were all little babies who don't know right from wrong.

                Your mad if you DONT think we all dont deserve to be damned for the evil in our hearts and our minds, your a child who wants to get away with everything and live in a world without consequence, grow up, and realize the reality of it.

                And being a Christian doesnt make you immune to hell, in fact it makes your more liable , so we support the eternal torture of ourselves also, not of other people

                God is good, if you reject God, your rejecting everything that is good, if you want to live your life full of sin and not obeying God, than you have every right to do so.
                When you die, you also get that right also, except its eternal,
                When you choose to reject God, God is giving you what YOU want, you didnt want God, okay, well thats what you CHOSE, so you get to be away from God forever, and get to be with the things you like, Lust, Pride, Greed, etc etc all those things will await you in hell, you chose it , now you get to have it

                So God doesnt send people to hell, You Choose it yourself bruh bruh, God cant let people who dont love him in heaven, its irrational, if you dont want God, then hell is the perfect place to be man, you can be down there suffering in your sin forever bruh

                Its not even a punishment, God is giving you what you choose, he is leaving you alone, all these athiest, and all these people who diss God, they don't want God,
                And when they die, thats what they will have, a place without God,

                But this doesnt have to be how it is bruh, you know what to do already

                "Whyy woulld God make hell if he is so loving"

                This is a baby question in Christianity bruh, my little sister has the answer for that question and shes 5 man, you gotta get up to the more prominent questions already,


                • Originally posted by KidComet View Post
                  And I Guess that you think that everyone deserve to live in paradise forever? Oh yesss Josh, We all deserve an eternal paradise, we are all deserving of getting everything we want, were all little babies who don't know right from wrong.

                  Your mad if you DONT think we all dont deserve to be damned for the evil in our hearts and our minds, your a child who wants to get away with everything and live in a world without consequence, grow up, and realize the reality of it.

                  And being a Christian doesnt make you immune to hell, in fact it makes your more liable , so we support the eternal torture of ourselves also, not of other people

                  God is good, if you reject God, your rejecting everything that is good, if you want to live your life full of sin and not obeying God, than you have every right to do so.
                  When you die, you also get that right also, except its eternal,
                  When you choose to reject God, God is giving you what YOU want, you didnt want God, okay, well thats what you CHOSE, so you get to be away from God forever, and get to be with the things you like, Lust, Pride, Greed, etc etc all those things will await you in hell, you chose it , now you get to have it

                  So God doesnt send people to hell, You Choose it yourself bruh bruh, God cant let people who dont love him in heaven, its irrational, if you dont want God, then hell is the perfect place to be man, you can be down there suffering in your sin forever bruh

                  Its not even a punishment, God is giving you what you choose, he is leaving you alone, all these athiest, and all these people who diss God, they don't want God,
                  And when they die, thats what they will have, a place without God,

                  But this doesnt have to be how it is bruh, you know what to do already

                  "Whyy woulld God make hell if he is so loving"

                  This is a baby question in Christianity bruh, my little sister has the answer for that question and shes 5 man, you gotta get up to the more prominent questions already,
                  God is worse than Hitler.
                  המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים


                  • way too much text on this page smh.


                    • Who watching the fight?


                      • Originally posted by Waynasite View Post
                        Who watching the fight?
                        one word: pacquiao.


                          המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים

