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United 93 - very strong and powerful film. I loved the natural suspense and the the way it was build up to its climax.
edit; gonna see Flight later today. Unknown obsession with plane crashes I guess, lol.
edit2; Flight was a good movie. Denzel was amazing, but I think people oversee everyone else because of him, especially my man in a dope (litterally) role - John Goodman. That guy is a genius!
Y'all remember the movie aracnophobia? What was the most memorable thing about that except the spiders?... Exactly, the bug-spray-killer. John Goodman is the shit!
Just ordered some blu-rays today: The Descent, The Raid Redemption, The Prestige
Orders I'm currently waiting on: The Maltese Falcon (steelbook), To Kill a Mockingbird (digibook), Toy Story 2 (3D)
Just saw "A Good Day to Die Hard." It was pretty kick ass, but it's not my favorite in the Die Hard series. Overall, I enjoyed it but my only complaints with it are the short run time and the tame violence and language! To me, Die Hard was famous for its graphic violence and profanity. All of this stopped after the 3rd one (my favorite), and after the backlash from the PG-13 fourth installment, I thought they would definitely come back with a hard 'R' here, but no. Anyway, that's a minor complaint. Fans of the franchise should still see it and will appreciate it.
Watch like 15 minutes back in college, then the teacher stopped it and said we were going to watch something else, and review it.
Was enjoying it too lol.
That first dialogue scene at the cafe about tipping the bartender. So random yet so entertaining! Classic Tarantino. Dunno if it was those 15 mins you saw some of?