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Yeah, it's very disturbing, and the fact that this movie was made in 1975, makes it even worse.
Yeah. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not gonna check it out. Movies like A Serbian Film, Cannibal Holocaust and shit like that is just a waste of time imo. Meaningless violence just for the fun of it and without any purpose what so ever is not my cup of tea.
- - - Updated - - -
Btw, I'm really building up my collection of steelbooks, digibook and digipacks.
Here's a recent picture of my 'special editions shelf'
This picture is missing my Transformers and Alien anthology steelbooks though.
Originally posted by back on my bullish*tView Post
have you seen it??
is it worse than a serbia film??
The whole movie was uploaded on YouTube, but i think it has been removed. I've just skipped trough certain scenes on both movies, so it's hard for me to compare them.
Two great actors, one of the best ideas to a comedy ever; BUT unfortunately a rather poor execution. It had a few good moments but overall it wasn't that good and it pisses me off cause imagine the things they could've done with this film (a man who can't see and a man who can't hear team up).
I want this remaked asap!
The whole movie was uploaded on YouTube, but i think it has been removed. I've just skipped trough certain scenes on both movies, so it's hard for me to compare them.
hmm im surprised youtube allowed that movie if its really bad
Originally posted by back on my bullish*tView Post
hmm im surprised youtube allowed that movie if its really bad
looking at reviews i think this movie is worse
Never watched it.. But I don't trust reviews..there are many films with awful reviews which I liked and vice-versa..
But I ain't even gonna try and watch that movie..I'm not into that