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I remember once in class when we saw a movie and there was a scene where a girl hanged herself. And it was so screwed and fucked up that I found it funny. The teacher and the rest of the class didn't agree... lol
Yeah my friends and I still bring it up every once in a while
Could be, I know I saw in credits that he did some work in that movie, and he was acting in it.. There was just a lot of blood and ridiculous scenes that I thought Tarantino made it..
I guess I don't like any of his movies xD Kill Bill is cool though..It's not a bad movie..
Yeah. The movie is called Planet Terror and it's a part of Grindhouse, which is a collab between Rodriguez and Tarantino. QT made Death Proof, and RR made Planet Terror. So they both worked a bit on the other persons movie. They are good friends as well.
You really don't like Inglorious Basterds either?
Tbh, it was a revenge flick about a man who just wanted to toture another man in the most grusome way. I didn't feel like I cared for the characters and to me it felt like the movie wasn't about him getting revenge but more that the director could show us some fucked up scenes and shit. It was entertaining at points but overall I didn't like it that much.
Tbh, it was a revenge flick about a man who just wanted to toture another man in the most grusome way. I didn't feel like I cared for the characters and to me it felt like the movie wasn't about him getting revenge but more that the director could show us some fucked up scenes and shit. It was entertaining at points but overall I didn't like it that much.
damn was it too fucked up & violent or what? wanted to watch it high
might just have to watch 300 (never saw it lol) or that Daft Punk movie
Going to watch Bronson later (film about UK's most notorious inmate) my friends were going on about it last night and it look's pretty good.
thanks for mentioning this movie, always wanted to see it but never got to it and forgot. I watched it today and it was fucking awesome. It's almost unbelievable how good Hardy is.
thanks for mentioning this movie, always wanted to see it but never got to it and forgot. I watched it today and it was fucking awesome. It's almost unbelievable how good Hardy is.
Haha no problem man .. I still never got round to watching it. I'll definitely have to watch it tonight after seeing your review though.
thanks for mentioning this movie, always wanted to see it but never got to it and forgot. I watched it today and it was fucking awesome. It's almost unbelievable how good Hardy is.
Still not watched it yet because people put me off it when it come out at the cinema, but Tom Hardy >>> so I will get round to it one day!