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Just saw 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty'... Perfect film to see before I go on my mini travel to Thailand tomorrow. Very beautiful, lovely cinematography, and some good acting. Now my favourite Ben Stiller movie without a doubt.
Watched 'The Great Beauty' as a part of my must-watch before 2014 viewings. An arthouse indeed, but a damn interesting one! I don't know what to think really, but there's something about it.
Defiantly not a 10/10 movie imo, but a 7 is probably more like it for me at least.
I was supposed to watch Disconnectee but the shit fucked up, so I went with a non-2013 movie, Lake Mungo. Good mockumentary, very real and great script and acting. I wish it was a bit more exciting though. 5/10
-And I'm so freaking mad I'm not able to watch those great 2013-movies that are being released in the US right now, and I will never go with that cam-shit...