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Russia Invading Ukraine
Originally posted by Danny M View PostIs this big news in England mate? I'm in Australia right now and the news over here don't even show anything about this.
Originally posted by Kuzz View PostI haven't been watching the news tbh but I'm sure it's on there (just checked sky news and it's on atm at 1:45pm), I've just been reading live updates on like ITVs website. Well atm it seems pretty big, I mean Nobody is agreeing with what Russia is doing except China lol! Dunno what's gonna happen. Nobody shooting yet.המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים
Originally posted by MarkoMaxX View PostUS won't get involved.. No one wants to fight Russia.. If US gets involved, then North Korea will also get involved to fight US, then South Korea for US, and then streak of alliances will go on and WW3 is there
US shouldn't and won't get involved. They should stick with countries that can't resist or fight them like Syria, Iraq.. US may win against Russia..(may win), but even if they win or lose, fatalities would be too big for US, yall freaked out and still are when they destroyed twins, imagine what you would do if they destroyed empire state or some other big buildings, or even a whole city..
Yall would get a heart-attack..
lmao australia like the safest land in the world, they don't give a f about anything
@nickiminajsitonmyface btw. you said that US technology is best and you build all kinds of secret stuff and shit.. but it's not that secret since YOU know US is building them.. We don't know shit if Russia is building something, when they build some great military stuff they build it in 2008 and they publish it to media in 2010, so people will think that's their latest, but what they did in those 2 years in between, no one knows..
There are all kinds of TV shows and shit that shows US most advanced technology and stuff like that.. that's not smart..
and.. in 1999, you guys had top technology Stealth planes that are invisible to radars and our soldiers took one down without any radars, just using man power..
It's not all about technology, humans are much more powerful than you think, willpower can destroy any technology.
- - - Updated - - -
thats not russian troops, it's militia..
Originally posted by Weezy_KB24 View PostYou're from a lame ass country plz don't talk about the united states.
I speak only the facts and the fact is that US won't attack Russia, they will only attack when the war (if it comes) is almost over, just like they did in WW1..
And thank god for my "lame ass" country because some of the most important people in history were born there.. One of them is so important that without him, you wouldn't have electric power for/or device you use to type the stupid posts you type..
Originally posted by MarkoMaxX View Post
US has technology that's absolutely correct, but Russians have passion and heart. They fight because they want to protect their land not because someone ordered them.
History shows that technology doesn't mean victory. Germany was filled with modern technology in WW2 and they still lost.
US Soldiers are tbh not very disciplined soldiers, they are yours and of course you support them, but I'm saying this objectively.
China = Discipline and number
US = Technology
Russia = Heart, passion, discipline and fair amount of technology.
you saying US soldiers arent disciplined, but russian soldiers are ,and then saying you are objectivly is pretty hilarious
and to think that china has just a big army, but no technology is naive , 2 years ago i read that china gave false numbers out , how much they invested in the military, and that their real spendings would be 3x as much...
Originally posted by wayniac number1 View Postso only russian soldiers do have passion and heart? you know that? you met some US soldiers yet ? some china soldiers?
you saying US soldiers arent disciplined, but russian soldiers are ,and then saying you are objectivly is pretty hilarious
and to think that china has just a big army, but no technology is naive , 2 years ago i read that china gave false numbers out , how much they invested in the military, and that their real spendings would be 3x as much...
My view of [MENTION=75521]MarkoMaxX[/MENTION] has slightly changed because of this thread
Originally posted by wayniac number1 View Postso only russian soldiers do have passion and heart? you know that? you met some US soldiers yet ? some china soldiers?
you saying US soldiers arent disciplined, but russian soldiers are ,and then saying you are objectivly is pretty hilarious
and to think that china has just a big army, but no technology is naive , 2 years ago i read that china gave false numbers out , how much they invested in the military, and that their real spendings would be 3x as much...
Russian soldiers are discplined meaning they will do anything they are told.
You are right about China's technology though, I know that, but I forgot to add it to my post. Both China and Russia gave false numbers on how much they invested in military.. So to think Russia is easily destroyable is stupid.
I love Russia as much as I love my own country. We are same religion, same flag color, we are brothers.
When no one else helped my country in hard times, Russia was there. Russia is only one that send huge humanitarian aid to Serbs on Kosovo, and Pristina (Capital of "Kosovo") declined it and didn't allow aid to get to people who needed it. And that's the shit thats supported by EU and US.
Just because I'm not on US side on this one you think I'm somewhat immoral or irrational?
I don't want to see war though, don't get me wrong. Ukraine is lovely country.
Originally posted by MarkoMaxX View PostI'm saying that Russian soldiers want to fight for their land even if they are not ordered to. Every Russian will go to war volunterely, I can't say the same thing for US soldiers or its people.
Russian soldiers are discplined meaning they will do anything they are told.
You are right about China's technology though, I know that, but I forgot to add it to my post. Both China and Russia gave false numbers on how much they invested in military.. So to think Russia is easily destroyable is stupid.
Lol, and that's something I should care about? I'm just saying my opinion. If expressing my opinion is wrong then idk what I should do..
I love Russia as much as I love my own country. We are same religion, same flag color, we are brothers.
When no one else helped my country in hard times, Russia was there. Russia is only one that send huge humanitarian aid to Serbs on Kosovo, and Pristina (Capital of "Kosovo") declined it and didn't allow aid to get to people who needed it. And that's the shit thats supported by EU and US.
Just because I'm not on US side on this one you think I'm somewhat immoral or irrational?
I don't want to see war though, don't get me wrong. Ukraine is lovely country.
Originally posted by sealneaward View PostI don't care about you not wanting to be on the US's side, it's about you agreeing with what Russia is doing, how Serbs should take back Kosovo, etc. But that's my opinion as well.
About Kosovo. Why do you think there are many countries that are against it's independence? Do you think they are in love with Serbia and doing so? No. It's because they know what's going on. They don't want to be US and EU ass kissers.
Can't you see what are they doing with that land?
1. It's an precedent for separatists. They want to make it a War base so they can rule whole Eastern Europe.
2. It was declared independent against international law. No one asked Serbia about it. There should have been a public poll. They just declared it even though there are Serbs living there.
3. Kosovo was and is a heart of Serbia since medieval times.
4. EU declared in 1999, after bombarding that Kosovo is a land that belongs to Serbia. So in order for declarance of independence to be legal we should have had a referendum for us to vote to see if Serbia agrees. Everything was done without any asking and against a lot of laws that EU declared.
Every country can choose if they want to accept that declarance of independence for Kosovo, but it's also against the Law for EU to force countries like Romania to do it. Romania was strictly against independence and then EU forced them to give positive response by declaring a law.
Kosovo will backfire on EU. Kosovo to EU is same like Iraq to US.
But whatever, that's all I'm gonna say, since it's obvious that declaring my opinion here has been taken in wrong manner, and I see I'm receiving a lot of hate so I'll stop posting in this topic.