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Finally got to see Prometheus...
I enjoyed it very much. Of course there are several plot-holes and A LOT of unanswered questions, but still, Scott's awesome direction manages to make everything you see on the screen incredibly engrossing, I couldn't wait to see what happened next. Some scenes are simply memorable, gave me mad goosebumps
And that feeling of adventure you experience during the first hour or so >>>>>>>>>
I mean, you got a group of astronauts travelling to a faraway planet in search of our origins, how bout THAT?! That's a pretty mind-blowing premise if you ask me
Cast's also on point. Charlize & Fassbender >>>>>> I'd say 8/10
Honestly, when I first heard about it I thought it was going to be amazing. Now, it just seems like a bad representation of the man. And that's not good.
Honestly, when I first heard about it I thought it was going to be amazing. Now, it just seems like a bad representation of the man. And that's not good.
Lol, bad representation... Every single movie about a certain person always show good and bad sides and shit. But whatever, to me it looks dope.