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  • Originally posted by Brooklyn View Post
    Decided to watch Looper and that shit wasnt even that bad @ABjerg
    I wouldn't call it bad, but the the supernatural farmer-boy shit ruined it for me tbh. It could've been so much better if it was just this cat and mouse hunt between Willis and Lewitt and with those other guys on their tail too.

    It just didn't live up to what it was set out to be that's all...

    ---------- Post added at 01:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:48 PM ----------

    Originally posted by Pux View Post
    Just finished The Usual Suspects for the first time.. Holy fuckkk

    Fucking goat movie, didnt think I would like it that much

    I rec everyone who hasnt seen it to see it lol
    Benicio Del Toro in that role>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


    • So has anyone seen Texas Chainsaw, Les Miserables or Gangster Squad yet? Gonna go see one of the three tonight, just not decided which?


      • Originally posted by ABjerg View Post
        I wouldn't call it bad, but the the supernatural farmer-boy shit ruined it for me tbh. It could've been so much better if it was just this cat and mouse hunt between Willis and Lewitt and with those other guys on their tail too.

        It just didn't live up to what it was set out to be that's all...

        ---------- Post added at 01:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:48 PM ----------

        Benicio Del Toro in that role>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        Yeah, I just started watching movies from the 90's and I was like 'holy shit look how young he looks' hahah

        same goes for Stephen Baldwin, although Ive seen his younger him in a Flintstones movie when I was a kid


        • Originally posted by ABjerg View Post
          I wouldn't call it bad, but the the supernatural farmer-boy shit ruined it for me tbh. It could've been so much better if it was just this cat and mouse hunt between Willis and Lewitt and with those other guys on their tail too.

          It just didn't live up to what it was set out to be that's all...

          yeah i see what you're saying... they shouldve done more also before they stopped the so called "Rain Man"


          • Btw [MENTION=29841]ABjerg[/MENTION] do you know any movies that fucks with your mind or have a twist like The Ususal Suspect

            I've seen Shutter Island, The Illusionist, Eternal Sunshine, Memento, Fight Club, Butterfly Effect, Total Recall and Inception so far

            (might have forgotten some)


            • Originally posted by Pux View Post
              Btw @ABjerg do you know any movies that fucks with your mind or have a twist like The Ususal SuspectI've seen Shutter Island, The Illusionist, Eternal Sunshine, Memento, Fight Club, Butterfly Effect, Total Recall and Inception so far(might have forgotten some)
              Glad you're asking, one of my favorite kind of movies.

              - The Prestige
              [twist in the end]
              - Mindhunters [kinda fucks with your mind, and then twist at the end]
              - Exam [twists all through the movie that gets you thinking]
              - The Sixth Sense [the end]
              - Unbreakable [the end]
              - Final Destination 5 (only if you have seen the others it's a great twist)
              - Death Sentence [the end]
              - The Others​[the end]
              Last edited by ProBitaz.; 01-13-2013, 02:37 PM.


              • There is this movie on my mind that I watched when I was very the movie is very old.

                It's about kids that get taken and they get trained to be emotionless and heartless and strong until they get big. They start to fight for some reason and one of them runs away and gets found by some normal humans and he starts to feel and have emotions and shit...the movie is like they are in the future..

                Anyone know the movies name?

                [MENTION=29841]ABjerg[/MENTION] [MENTION=62093]Kuzz[/MENTION] [MENTION=3250]Every[/MENTION]bodywhoknowsaboutmovies
                Originally posted by Shake
                Why so negative all the time???


                • Originally posted by Vocker View Post
                  There is this movie on my mind that I watched when I was very the movie is very old.

                  It's about kids that get taken and they get trained to be emotionless and heartless and strong until they get big. They start to fight for some reason and one of them runs away and gets found by some normal humans and he starts to feel and have emotions and shit...the movie is like they are in the future..

                  Anyone know the movies name?

                  @ABjerg @Kuzz @Everybodywhoknowsaboutmovies
                  Danny the Dog (Unleashed) 2005 - IMDb ??


                  • Originally posted by Vocker View Post
                    There is this movie on my mind that I watched when I was very the movie is very old.

                    It's about kids that get taken and they get trained to be emotionless and heartless and strong until they get big. They start to fight for some reason and one of them runs away and gets found by some normal humans and he starts to feel and have emotions and shit...the movie is like they are in the future..

                    Anyone know the movies name?

                    @ABjerg @Kuzz @Everybodywhoknowsaboutmovies
                    I'm unsure mate... Kids in general get taken like loads from all over? Or just a couple of kids and these two kids fight and one runs away? Do you have any idea if anyone half famous is in it? Any more info?

                    Originally posted by ABjerg View Post
                    Don't think it's Jet Li's Unleashed, based on his description.


                    • Originally posted by ABjerg View Post
                      Nah not it, the movie is even older too...

                      ---------- Post added at 02:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:17 PM ----------

                      Originally posted by Kuzz View Post
                      I'm unsure mate... Kids in general get taken like loads from all over? Or just a couple of kids and these two kids fight and one runs away? Do you have any idea if anyone half famous is in it? Any more info?

                      Don't think it's Jet Li's Unleashed, based on his description.
                      It's like a gang that takes kids (alot of kids) and train them as I told you, in the end these kids are tested to find who is the strongest between them and they fight, when one of them is dead they throw him on the of the kid that the gang thought was dead was actually still alive and he got found my normal people..

                      The movie is done like its from the future or something..and it's old...maybe even before 2000 not sure tho
                      Originally posted by Shake
                      Why so negative all the time???


                      • Originally posted by Vocker View Post
                        Nah not it, the movie is even older too...

                        ---------- Post added at 02:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:17 PM ----------

                        It's like a gang that takes kids (alot of kids) and train them as I told you, in the end these kids are tested to find who is the strongest between them and they fight, when one of them is dead they throw him on the of the kid that the gang thought was dead was actually still alive and he got found my normal people..

                        The movie is done like its from the future or something..and it's old...maybe even before 2000 not sure tho
                        Damn. But it sure does remind me of something.


                        • Originally posted by ABjerg View Post
                          Damn. But it sure does remind me of something.
                          yeah, the movie was really nice.

                          I'm trying to search for it in google but can't really describe it there to find it lol...

                          c'mon man, even in the movie I remember there was a part where the kids were forced to watch a battle between two dogs until one of the dogs is dead...and the kid was scared, but then he grows up and becomes emotionless like a robot..

                          one of the scenes also had him and another dude (when they are grown and emotionless) tested to race each other to see who is faster...

                          maybe these will remind you of it?
                          Originally posted by Shake
                          Why so negative all the time???

