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# The Official Random Topic Thread

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  • who is [MENTION=75037]BloodKin[/MENTION] ?

    is he an alt or not lol

    someone expose him


    • Originally posted by WeEeEeEzZzZyYy View Post
      who is [MENTION=75037]BloodKin[/MENTION] ?

      is he an alt or not lol

      someone expose him
      ...No alternate tbh just a reel ridged nail.* Three words to my brother only brother I trust idk bout you but I know him like he know me! Trust all UR brothers he know I'm just his favorite!

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      TELL him I ain't got you! TELL her he ain't got her! Next-time I see you in flesh look me dead in your eyes 'not ever gain like my eyes never stood under you' Remember 'my' heart(S) still here for both those twins!

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      I apologize Lisa Kay you shared what no one should ever go through growing in life. Your laugh attracted me to your personality. I apologize for myself when I shut you down and never spoke too you again. I wrote you a letter and hope I gave your your most cherish ones hope and Inspration. When I read and heard you had taken your life by the squeeze of a pistol. I will forever feel partial fault for adding to your decision and I'm sorry. Thank you for the time we shared thou not long 'i still feel'!

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      Ask who what I care bout.? Keep it in 5 categories thou I'm no dummy well round hand ball doing a seamless finger roll from my mouth to your soul just roll Just roll just roll.

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      Someone got me eating every thing in the kitchen just trying to rest with a piece I know I'm gonna see the light. Tomorrow. New day. Good night.


      • Originally posted by back on my bullish*t View Post


        • Originally posted by Shake View Post
          its crazy aint it bruh


          • Just flushed
            Last edited by BloodKin; 02-17-2019, 05:35 AM.


            • How am I suppose to know someone's feelings unless that share em with me?
              We got into and argument with windy but I feel our relationship will never be strong instead divided ... more later but just wanted this out... will revise after introspection


              • R.I.P. Karl Lagerfeld.


                • Originally posted by back on my bullish*t View Post
                  its crazy aint it bruh


                  thought of you brother


                  • Might be shy 2 TRIPLE zero miles away but I AM with you through the wind!

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                    Originally posted by BloodKin View Post
                    Might be shy 2 TRIPLE zero miles away but I AM with you through the wind!
                    tell someone get her show-fur this car parked not drove on the road... voice strep!


                    • today was bad news today. my mom appartently chose to be DNR do not resisitate if she loses her heart beat! Thats GOT me fucked up today! Then this nigga scott p already spilt my blood deep fucking with me hard and i'm bout to spill all his blood guts brains dude bout to go insane, someone take the heat for me cause i will do and i know the lord will have a hard time understanding why i did it! yo this nigga is sending me texts saying oh wrong person. fuck this dude! soory if im running but im writing so fast bro.

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                      yo my pancrease or side was feeling it all day!

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                      left side left side i need to get to the right side quick... bro i will do it! what means nesscairy!

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                      dude been drinking water to calm pancrease down. fuck serious i dont wanna lose my mom yet. im not scared of death im scared time but then again i dont go and visit her as much as i should i play micheal jackson cards and try to interact verbally. idk what the fuck going on but maybe i should manage my time differently......

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                      my sister sends me this snap of my mom sing happy birtthday to us and she say i love you at the end..... and i don't know how the fuck to save it. its got me fucked up up top this mother fucking dude that wanna take my livly hood!

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                      really dont understand how to feel. then this nigga fucking with me got me elevated no touch the sky shit underground dead presidents but he gonna make me reach its all or nothing that how i feel to this nigga.

                      i truly feel we was all on earth to interact with each other and impact one another, i know we do things we might not underatand in the heat of the night but why the fuck this nigga wanting me to peak like that and cock the primer for some hot lead meet flesh shit.

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                      I can still hear time so I'm good. God knows. tommrow another day

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                      Missing those dead poets. They can be read easily but understood deeply. Like that already laid paper down but how you stand under the dust on the book. Growth. Always wondered how might they interact growing up


                      • Brother you dont know what you did for me today. Anyone ever try to harm us I will NOT hesitate to do they brains and eat they guts. Thats on my grand mother! We two of a kind and you know I will use a AK IF I NEED TOO! Yo I just sampled this long after the stars joint... you know I'm putting in my hours plus all the companyz thank you for that brother serious on my heart! I will give you my blood!! So dead serious type you? It's that deep bro!


                        • bet on my life that baby life in that river was T and R and I put that on BK(only guy trust) dont mess with McDonald two whoppers

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                          Yo I can understand how she would feel pressure to not have the baby but to give it to the river I'm torn man serious I dont understand that.

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                          Ron BK I know you know! Golfing sundays hit the balls off the Tee because he my cousin. Read forgot make he in one those balls be there this summer!!!

