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Good lol!! Lemme know what you think after!! Actually got me in the mood to watch it thinking about it now... Specially as I'm about to spark up a fatty!! (Couldn't hold out till the weekend)
Haha, don't judge it too early, man - as you did with Juno.
Loob, nah man, but tbh I haven't sat down and put myself into Juno - I watched in class as a part of a teen-topic we had going lol
Already back then I gave it a 7/10 - it will probably be higher when I watch it for myself at home. But if you look at the IMDb score it has a 7.7 which isn't completely amazing or nothing, so I'm probably not the only one not loving the fuck outta it! haha
Expendables 2 - better than the first and that doesn't say much. Even though it's mindless fun the dialog sometimes makes it hard to just shut your mind of cause it's so damn awful. I enjoyed some of the action (too much gun-bs tho) and especially the refferences to the actors' old movies lol