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  • Re: [Official Site/Forum Suggestions] Got Some Ideas? Post Them Here!

    Originally posted by Artille View Post
    YME is hardly on because he didn't become a mod last time. I talk to him on Facebook frequently. He said with the return of Wayne he'll be getting on more.
    Ahh, Ok then, cool.


    • Re: [Official Site/Forum Suggestions] Got Some Ideas? Post Them Here!

      Originally posted by tha_chronic View Post
      i'm sure you have access to the report forum ? where you see which posts have been reported etc? lol ok bro..

      besides all that, i don't really react to anybodies reports at all..unless its a spam bot! if i see something myself i'll do something about it. People are hardly getting banned dawg, quit creating problems, nobody has gotten an illegitimate warning from me for over 2/3 months . There's nothing shady going on here. THP was banned last week, theres no favouritism..stop creating an illusion for yourself which isn't real.
      Boom! lies are stated you seen the post and gave me the warning, how did I not notice this before. You are a hater. Lol @ you sending me a pm saying you never seen him calling me Toby Keith.

      Here is the most recent infraction you gave me blatantly lying

      And the post he sent you was deleted so why did you ban me?

      And you saying that J Rock is creating and illusion and you arent showing favoritism is another lie.

      And I got some other Pm's but from artille, about the same Stuff you banned me for.


      • Re: [Official Site/Forum Suggestions] Got Some Ideas? Post Them Here!

        Originally posted by Cody View Post
        Boom! lies are stated you seen the post and gave me the warning, how did I not notice this before. You are a hater. Lol @ you sending me a pm saying you never seen him calling me Toby Keith.

        Here is the most recent infraction you gave me blatantly lying

        And the post he sent you was deleted so why did you ban me?

        And you saying that J Rock is creating and illusion and you arent showing favoritism is another lie.

        And I got some other Pm's but from artille, about the same Stuff you banned me for.
        Like i said "the most corrupted mod on the internet"



        • Re: [Official Site/Forum Suggestions] Got Some Ideas? Post Them Here!

          That's in the past now. No point in bringing it up again. Chronic is the best mod we have on the forums, dude is mad cool too.


          • Re: [Official Site/Forum Suggestions] Got Some Ideas? Post Them Here!

            Originally posted by The Resistance View Post
            That's in the past now. No point in bringing it up again. Chronic is the best mod we have on the forums, dude is mad cool too.
            how is that the past when it was recently?

            I love how he tired to make it seem like i was the troublemaker and all that i said was a lie when in reality its true.



            • Re: [Official Site/Forum Suggestions] Got Some Ideas? Post Them Here!

              Originally posted by The Resistance View Post
              That's in the past now. No point in bringing it up again.Chronic is the best mod we have on the forums, dude is mad cool too.

              Three weeks is old?
              Damn, I thought dinosaurs were old.


              • Re: [Official Site/Forum Suggestions] Got Some Ideas? Post Them Here!

                Thanks > Rep.



                • Re: [Official Site/Forum Suggestions] Got Some Ideas? Post Them Here!

                  meh..that doesn't prove anything. I've been kind to you COUNTLESS times and talked to you before taking any actions, asking you POLITELY to change your ways. I do the same thing with THP ..but he usually listens and you NEVER listen. Thats the subtle difference there for me. But to say that I ban you without actually talking to you is nonsense. I have several PMs with you where I confront you in a polite way asking you to stop fighting but like I said you never listen and you talk shit about me.

                  ALSO on that note of favoritism, in your theory, the way I treat THP is favoritism then 90 percent of the users on these forums are treated the same way. Countless times I've confronted users by talking to them before taking real action. If there is anybody that I truly dislike on these forums (and i'm just being honest) it would be Jrock and IF I was such a corrupted mod I would be warning him and banning him instantly but I don't. The dude to my knowledge has never received a warning or a ban from me ..I might be wrong but at least in the past year or so, I haven't.

                  The people I have banned periodically for bad behavior are Cody, Mr. X and once upon a time Youngtune. I explained my deal with Cody in the first paragraph and Mr. X well thats just fairly obvious. The dude participates in a lot of spam, gay hate and a bunch of other stuff which is just not appropriate for these forums. I have no beef with Youngtune and I now consider him a valuable member of the community. I do not show favoritism too just THP . I show favoritism to EVERYBODY except Cody and Mr. X because in my eyes those 2 are the real trouble makers and thats it. Go ahead and keep whining about something which isn't true. I don't need to please everybody on these forums. I try my best and I know the right users see that and to me thats the only thing that matters.

                  Last edited by tha_chronic; 11-08-2010, 11:49 PM.


                  • Re: [Official Site/Forum Suggestions] Got Some Ideas? Post Them Here!


                    Like you stated above, you warned & banned Mr. X, Cody & YoungTune for what? "Insulting members, Bullying and racism" THP did and still does all of that and he has never received an infraction from you even when you blankly saw his comments an example of this is the comment he made about YoungTune's dead dad, instead of warning him you deleted his post and made it to seem he never said it even when members confronted you about it, another moderator had to warn & ban him for it. After THP was banned you then decided to ban Cody because in your knowledge you where "treating them equal" how is banning one person and not warning someone from the same situation supposedly "equal" ? sounds more like favoring one person over another. I think i already know what your gonna say "I didn't warn Cody either for what he said towards THP" that's different. he called him a faggot like he does everyone, telling another member to fuck there dead dad is warn worthy regardless.



                    • Re: [Official Site/Forum Suggestions] Got Some Ideas? Post Them Here!

                      and say Chronic shows favourtism to THP

                      checkmate i win


                      • Re: [Official Site/Forum Suggestions] Got Some Ideas? Post Them Here!

                        Originally posted by tha_chronic View Post
                        meh..that doesn't prove anything. I've been kind to you COUNTLESS times and talked to you before taking any actions, asking you POLITELY to change your ways. I do the same thing with THP ..but he usually listens and you NEVER listen. Thats the subtle difference there for me. But to say that I ban you without actually talking to you is nonsense. I have several PMs with you where I confront you in a polite way asking you to stop fighting but like I said you never listen and you talk shit about me.

                        ALSO on that note of favoritism, in your theory, the way I treat THP is favoritism then 90 percent of the users on these forums are treated the same way. Countless times I've confronted users by talking to them before taking real action. If there is anybody that I truly dislike on these forums (and i'm just being honest) it would be Jrock and IF I was such a corrupted mod I would be warning him and banning him instantly but I don't. The dude to my knowledge has never received a warning or a ban from me ..I might be wrong but at least in the past year or so, I haven't.

                        The people I have banned periodically for bad behavior are Cody, Mr. X and once upon a time Youngtune. I explained my deal with Cody in the first paragraph and Mr. X well thats just fairly obvious. The dude participates in a lot of spam, gay hate and a bunch of other stuff which is just not appropriate for these forums. I have no beef with Youngtune and I now consider him a valuable member of the community. I do not show favoritism too just THP . I show favoritism to EVERYBODY except Cody and Mr. X because in my eyes those 2 are the real trouble makers and thats it. Go ahead and keep whining about something which isn't true. I don't need to please everybody on these forums. I try my best and I know the right users see that and to me thats the only thing that matters.

                        gay hate?

                        lmao i was joking around and i was not the only doing it

                        and im not a troublemaker ....

                        im cool with everybody except some


                        and honestly chronic your like the most strictest mod on the internet

                        i've never seen anyone like you before

                        even some mods on here have said the same thing ....not saying names

                        and most of the members here would agree #JustSayin


                        • Re: [Official Site/Forum Suggestions] Got Some Ideas? Post Them Here!

                          why do people say chronic is a corrupt mod
                          havent i proved he didnt like THP as well
                          the rest of yall just like to play the victim.
                          Iv said once il say it again Cody. causes ALL of the arguments when he was banned i didnt see one argument,

