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Still thanks for the info, strange that it came out earlier in the UK than the US, lol.
That is indeed strange.
I don't understand why I just can't lean to love The Godfather Part II. I just don't think it's a good movie. Slow-paced, over-long, uninteresting, under- and over-developed at the same time and with sloppy dialogue in a lot of the movie. Have I really watched the same movie as everybody else? I don't fucking get it.
You said you would have watched Searching for Sugar Man if I watched The Hunt!
What ya gon do bout it mothafucka?
Haha nah man I would never lie. I said "around the same time as you watch The Hunt". I was too tired yesterday after Godfather Part II's long ass running-time.
I will undoubtly watch it today, I promise.
i just hate how (I think Warner bros) started to get money hungry and make the movies every year which made Justin quit being a director
Hope the new guy is equally as cool
James Wan got some serious talent. It's about time he gets the attention he deserves.
- And about the F&F-franchise, I see them as pure action and one-liner entertainment.
Although being stupid, badly written and seriously implausible, I've come to love the cast and their journey and the action scenes has kind of become an artform these past movies... I mean, they take it to another level and I bow my head in the dust for the entertainment-level they can present and that's all they should be viewed as - high entertainment value full of fuel and testosterone!